
16 1 2

I sit down at the table.
My dad is sat there
I already knew this because of how loud he was.
Usually this meant he was drinking.
I was correct.
He was tolerable when he was.
It was almost as if when he was sober he was a different person.
He was hardly ever sober though.
I've always hated what alcohol does to my dad.
He becomes loud.
He becomes shouty.
He becomes argumentative.
I hate alcohol.
Even looking at it fills me with hatred.
I'm scared if I drink too much I'll end up like him.
He's addicted but he's also not if that makes any sense.
He can go a day without a beer but as soon as he has one.
He doesn't just have one.
One turns into two and two turns into five.
He's always put alcohol in front of me.
He would never admit it although he doesn't have to I know he does.

Authors note: this is mainly fake Tbh my dad does drink n that but this is very exaggerated because I couldn't think of what to do sorry if this bad it's probably an old draft I've posted because I forgot to post or something. Also constructive criticism pleaseeee.


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