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I sit there in a lesson.
Not moving.
I'm not really there
I may be physically there but I'm mentally not.
I'm actually inside my head.
Just thinking about anything and everything.
A lot of people don't notice me.
It's very hard to notice me.
I blend in.
I don't stick out.
There's nothing special about me.
I don't blame anyone for leaving me unnoticed.
Its hard to notice someone who's not there.
I'm never there.
I like being in my mind, all alone instead of reality when I'm never alone.
I don't like living in reality.
Reality bores me.
Reality doesn't interest me.
Reality hurts me.
Sometimes its easier to pretend I'm alone because as soon as I hear a boy say my name,
I don't want to be there.
They'll never genuinely be interested in me.
All they want is help with the work or help with something.
It's as if they don't see me as human,
Like I'm a robot.
I wish I was a robot.
It would be alot easier.
Robots don't feel emotions.
I feel emotions.
I don't want to.
I hate being this sensitive.
It doesn't take a lot to hurt me.
When you look like how I do its very easy to be insecure.
And when you're insecure your very easily hurt.
I hate being like this.

Authors note: ahh new chapter. Thank you if you read this.
I rambled alottt in this. Constructive criticism as always is veryyyy appreciated. By the way if you wanted to know which you probably didn't but anyways you can just call me Alex its not my real name but I like it. I know you can figure out my real name very easily considering its in my user but please call me this unless I tell you otherwise (my irl friends can call me whatever I'm not bothered) because most of y'all are strangers


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