35 - Heated Argument

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Asmodeus and Seraphina emerged from their intimate bath, their bodies refreshed and their spirits lifted. They spent a sweet and tender moment getting ready for the day ahead, their love evident in every shared glance and gentle touch.

Asmodeus, now dressed in his regal attire as the Devil God, knew that his duties beckoned him. With a lingering kiss and promises of their reunion, he reluctantly left Seraphina to resume his responsibilities.

Heading into the depths of the dark forest, Asmodeus had no idea that his brother, Ihys, awaited him. The two were immediately embroiled in a heated argument that echoed through the shadowy woods.

Ihys, ever the instigator, wasted no time in addressing the elephant in the room—the deepening relationship between Asmodeus and Seraphina. "You fool, Asmodeus," he spat. "You've grown soft and weak. All because of that mortal woman."

Asmodeus's fiery eyes glared at his brother, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "Don't you dare insult Seraphina. She has brought light to my life, something you could never understand."

The argument escalated as Ihys continued to berate Asmodeus for his transformation and his attachment to Seraphina. "And what if she's carrying your child, Asmodeus? What then? Are you ready to be a father?"

The Devil God's protective instincts flared, and his response was swift and unwavering. "If she is carrying my child, I will embrace that responsibility with all my heart. I will be a good father, and I will propose to Seraphina immediately. Our love is strong enough to withstand any challenge."

Ihys sneered at his brother's words but knew that Asmodeus was not to be swayed. Their argument had revealed the depth of Asmodeus's love for Seraphina and his commitment to her, regardless of the consequences.

Little did they know that this argument would set in motion a series of events that would test the strength of their love and the challenges they would face in the days to come.

In this chapter, Asmodeus and Seraphina get ready for their day, but Asmodeus heads out for his duties as the Devil God while Seraphina resumes her good deeds. Asmodeus encounters his brother, Ihys, in the dark forest, and the two engage in a heated argument about Asmodeus's relationship with Seraphina and the possibility of her being pregnant. Asmodeus declares his commitment to being a good father and proposing to Seraphina if she is pregnant, showing his unwavering love for her.


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