𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐲

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there's a knock at my door, and i sigh as i get up. unfortunately, we actually had to work together for our history essay- hence someone being at my door on what should've been a relaxing saturday.

i open the door, awkwardly stepping to the side so axl could come inside- which he does. he dumps his crap on my table, clearly not finding anything about the situation awkward. that's good, i guess.

"hey, yoo-hoo," he calls to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. i quickly shut the door as he chuckles. "you got a computer we can use or-"

"yea, yea, sorry," i mutter, moving to the desk where the computer sat. "i figured we could both find some certain areas about it that are interesting to us and then fill in the blanks with what we already know."

axl seems over it already, shrugging and plopping himself on the armchair behind the desk as i did my part. "this is so dumb. i hate history," he groans.

"then i guess you hate yourself," my eyes stayed locked in the screen as i say this without even thinking twice, "because eventually you're going to be a part of history."

"oh my god, that was so nerdy."

i finally look away from the screen for a moment to roll my eyes, sighing quietly.

axl continues to complain. "i mean, seriously- who gives out an essay to work on over the weekend?"' he speaks dramatically, although serious. "who wants to work on an essay during the weekend?"'

"who wants to work on an essay ever?" i mutter, still looking at the screen. "makes no difference to the teachers."

axl scoffs slightly. "whatever. i'm just glad we're getting it over with now so i don't have to do this crap tomorrow too."

"speak for yourself," i sigh just thinking about it. "i have to do another one of these tomorrow for biology."


i continue to scroll aimlessly on the computer, looking through a bunch of facts i already knew. they weren't giving me much to work with here, throw something new at me for once! there's gotta be some kind of little detail i never knew about. god, this really was boring.

"hey, do you know brad bottig from science?" the question had been on my mind since my first day. if he did, i had some questions.

axl feigns disgust, but i knew he was just being dramatic. "god, how do you know him? why are you asking?" he narrows his eyes.

i roll my eyes, but chuckle slightly. "it didn't seem like you guys liked each other very much," i pause, mumbling, "brad was a little better at hiding it, though."

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