Chapter 2 - Guilty Hearts

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Vikram and Prerna perched on a worn bench, anxiety clinging to the cold hospital corridor like a second skin. As they waited for the doctors to unveil the enigma of Aadhya's condition, Prerna's worry found a voice. "All these months, no matter what trials she faced, Aadhya never once hinted at something like this. What could have driven her to such a desperate act?"

Vikram, grappling with his own confusion and concern, could only offer a helpless shrug, a sign of his bewilderment. "I don't know, Prerna. She was hurting, that much was clear. But the extent of her pain..."

Their conversation was abruptly halted as the weight of anticipation bore fruit. The doctor emerged, the quiet corridor giving way to a wave of restless tension. Both of them stood up, their eyes reflecting the collective worry that held them captive. Vikram, in a rush of concern, asked, "How is she, doctor? Is she going to be okay?"

Prerna echoed the worry, her voice tinged with apprehension. "Can we see her? Is she awake?"

The doctor, a seasoned professional with a weary countenance, glanced at them both and sighed, "She's lost a significant amount of blood, and she's still unconscious. However, her condition has stabilized for now."

A wave of relief washed over them, momentarily lifting the weight off their hearts. They exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a silent prayer of gratitude. The doctor continued, offering a glimmer of hope, "We're doing our best to stabilize her. You'll have to wait a while before she can have any visitors."

As they were about to express their thanks and find their way back to the bench, a man of imposing stature entered the corridor. Standing at a formidable six feet, disheveled suit, jacket clutched in one hand, and tie askew, anxiety was etched into every line of his face. He was a stark contrast to the sterile hospital surroundings, a living testament to the turmoil that had unfurled within those walls.

Vikram and Prerna's eyes shifted to the man standing in the corridor, their attention swiftly drawn by his presence. Prerna's face contorted with shock as she looked at the disheveled figure, while Vikram's countenance remained stoic, betraying nothing.

The man approached them, his steps heavy with the weight of worry and dread. His once neatly arranged suit was now in disarray, his tie loosely hanging around his neck. His appearance painted a stark picture of the frantic urgency that had brought him here. He managed to utter the words, his voice breaking with emotion, "Is she... is she fine?"

Prerna could only nod in response, the words catching in her throat. It was all she could manage, her own shock and concern for Aadhya weighing heavily on her. Vikram remained silent, his eyes fixed on the man, observing his reactions, trying to understand the relationship he had with Aadhya. The corridor seemed to hold its breath, the gravity of the situation binding
them all in a moment of suspended reality.

Just as their conversation was about to continue, the doctor stepped in, diverting their focus. "Since this is a case of suicide, we have to inform the police," he stated, addressing Vikram.

A flash of defiance crossed Vikram's face, and he snapped back with conviction, "Doctor, why should we involve the police, please let's not."

Prerna glanced at the man beside her, her eyes reflecting her worry. His resolute gaze assured her that he would handle the situation, granting her a sense of comfort in the chaos.

Stepping closer to the doctor, the man's voice grew bold and authoritative. "There's no need for police involvement," he declared, sending a shiver down the doctor's spine. The doctor couldn't correspond to the situation, he asked him,"excuse me Mr.?, these are the rules, and who are you by the way?", he responded with unyielding confidence, "Aditya. Aditya Rathore."

The doctor, now fully aware of the gravity of the situation, stammered, "Mr. Rathore, I'm so sorry, my sincere apologies. I didn't know..."

Aditya, cutting through any wavering uncertainty, asserted, "This won't go to the police." The doctor after knowing that he was THE ADITYA RATHORE, didn't find the courage to talk back and he just nodded his head in response.

A palpable wave of relief swept over Prerna, while Vikram stood in disbelief, trying to grasp the sudden turn of events.

Aditya continued, his concern evident in his unwavering tone. "How is she doing? Is there any additional service or treatment required? Just name it, and it'll be arranged."

The doctor, regaining his composure but still shaken, responded, "She's stable now, and no additional treatment is required sir."

With unwavering determination and hope, Aditya asked, "Can I see her?"

The doctor, feeling both the power and concern in Aditya's demeanor, replied, "She's still unconscious. You can visit her once she's shifted to the ward."

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