Chapter 14 - Strangers?

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Aditya  stepped into the bustling lobby of Aadhya's office building, his purposeful strides commanding attention as he made his way towards the elevator. Today, he had come to Aadhya's office for a meeting, a routine business matter that required his attention.

As he rode up to the designated floor, Aditya's thoughts drifted to Aadhya. Ever since their encounter at the MP's office, he found himself inexplicably drawn to her, his fascination with her growing stronger with each passing day. Despite his best efforts to focus on work, she remained a constant presence in his mind, her image haunting his thoughts like a persistent dream.

Upon reaching Aadhya's floor, Aditya made his way down the corridor towards her office, his heart pounding with anticipation. He couldn't shake the feeling of excitement that coursed through him at the mere prospect of seeing her again, even in a professional setting.

As he approached Aadhya's office door, Aditya noticed that it was slightly ajar, allowing snippets of conversation to drift out into the hallway. Curiosity piqued, he paused for a moment, straining to catch the sound of Aadhya's voice.

Inside the office, Aadhya was engaged in a conversation over the phone, her voice tinged with frustration. "But Vikram, we've been over this a hundred times," she said, her tone growing more exasperated with each word. "I can't believe you're bringing this up again."

On the other end of the line, Vikram's voice remained calm but insistent. "I know, Aadhya, but hear me out," he said. "Just think about it."

Aadhya let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'll think about it," she conceded, though her tone hinted at reluctance. 

Little did she know, Aditya had overheard snippets of her conversation from outside her office door. His jaw clenched involuntarily as he processed what he had heard. Jealousy flared within him, irrational yet undeniable. He couldn't help but wonder what Vikram's intentions were and why Aadhya seemed so engrossed in their conversation.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Aditya pushed open the door and entered Aadhya's office, his expression carefully neutral. "Everything alright?" he asked, though his tone betrayed a hint of tension.

Aadhya looked up, startled by his sudden appearance. "Oh, yeah, just a minor work-related issue," she replied, forcing a smile. "Nothing I can't handle."

Aditya stood there, feeling dumbfounded. He knew she was lying, and somewhere deep inside, he felt disheartened. Despite knowing that there was nothing between him and Aadhya, the thought of her deceiving him didn't sit right. With a heavy heart, he nodded silently, closing her cabin door behind him as he made his way out.

Keerthi, her voice laced with quiet optimism, began, "I've noticed something interesting about Adi lately. He's been showing small but positive changes. He's more open, more involved in family matters, and he seems to genuinely care about people."She paused, a wistful expression crossing her face before she continued, "It's like we lost our Adi for a while there, but now, after Aadhya..."Before she could finish her thought, Tara interjected with a hint of disdain in her tone, "Aadhya, seriously?" Her dislike for Aadhya was palpable, evident in the way she uttered her name.Tara's voice dripped with condemnation as she continued, her words cutting like a knife, "I don't understand why you're so fond of her, Vadhina. She doesn't treat Annaya right, doesn't even consider him a friend. She's nothing but trouble, if you ask me."

Arjun, ever the diplomat, chimed in, "I don't have a strong opinion on Aadhya, but I can't say I'm particularly fond of her either." His words were measured, neither condemning nor defending Aadhya, but revealing a hint of skepticism. 

Keerthi opened her mouth to offer a rebuttal, her gentle demeanor suggesting an intention to diffuse the tension. "But, Tara, maybe we're not seeing the full picture—"However, Tara cut her off sharply, her disapproval evident in the rigid set of her jaw. "No, Keerthi. I've seen enough to know that Aadhya isn't right for Adi. She's too unpredictable. She'll only end up causing him more pain."Keerthi's expression softened, a flicker of sadness in her eyes as she glanced between Tara and Arjun. She respected Tara's opinion, but she couldn't help but hope that perhaps there was more to Aadhya than met the eye.Arjun remained silent, his thoughts drifting elsewhere as he listened to the conversation unfold. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that Aadhya's presence seemed to bring, but he couldn't quite pinpoint why. Tara's voice quivered slightly as she added, "I've lost my brother once; I don't want to lose him again because of someone like her." Her words hung heavy in the air, laden with the weight of unresolved fears and past wounds.

In the heart of the city, Aadhya found herself caught in a downpour, her hair drenched and her clothes clinging to her skin. She cursed under her breath, huddling under the shelter of a nearby awning as she futilely attempted to shield herself from the rain. She kept checking her watch; it was way past the time that Vikram had told her he'd be meeting her. Frustration gnawed at her, compounded by the absence of any available transportation options. She tried booking cabs and autos, but all her efforts went in vain.Just then, a sleek black Maserati pulled up in front of her, and the windows rolled down, revealing Aditya Rathore behind the wheel, his expression unreadable.A mix of surprise and irritation flashed across Aadhya's face at the unexpected sight of Aditya. She had been expecting Vikram, not him. Despite her annoyance, she couldn't deny the relief that washed over her at the prospect of escaping the rain.Aditya glanced at her, his gaze lingering for a moment before he spoke. "Need a lift?" he asked, his tone neutral but tinged with a hint of amusement.From Aditya's perspective, seeing Aadhya standing drenched on the sidewalk was the last thing he had expected or wanted. He had spent the entire day immersed in business meetings, his mind preoccupied with endless reports and presentations. Aadhya was the furthest thing from his thoughts as he made his way back home, his only desire to retreat into the solitude of his penthouse.But then, as he drove past her, he caught sight of her huddled form under the awning, her expression etched with frustration and worry. Despite his initial reluctance, a pang of concern tugged at his conscience, urging him to stop and offer her assistance. It was a fleeting moment of vulnerability that he quickly brushed aside, but the image of her drenched figure lingered in his mind, stirring something within him that he couldn't quite comprehend.Before he could stop himself, he found his car veering to the side of the road, his actions driven by an impulse he couldn't ignore. Stepping out into the rain, he approached Aadhya's side, his usual mask of indifference slipping as he offered her a ride. It was a gesture born out of obligation rather than genuine concern, or so he told himself, but deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to it.

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