Just so you know

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Hey it's ruby and this is just something I want you as my readers to know
Mahogany is black and Christina Serria and Victoria are Mexican meaning they have light colored skin
Angel is the only girl in this story ( well main character wise ) that is white.
I did this bcz one I am I black person and crazy and I channeled my personality into mahogany now for those who read this here's the cool part.
I will personally add 5 girls ( or boys ) into the story based on if you message me who's best friend you want to be. pick your girl message me and I will pick 5 of you to be added into this story and if you read my other book I have a contest on that one also there might be a chance you are chosen for thy one also. this contest will end on July 10,2015
Good luck and let the lollipop be in your favorite flavor.
Oh ps so you know each girl resemble a boy of 1d.
Serria is Harry
Victoria is zayn
Mahogany is louis
Christina is liam
Angel is Niall
Just so you know.
See ya my adorable puppies!!!!!

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