1 - Shorehaven

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I frown as a raindrop hits my cheek, swiping it away. "It had to rain on our first day back, didn't it?"

Mama shuts the car door, turning to me with a raised eyebrow. "You always complain mi vida, we're back in Shorehaven, this is what you wanted, no?"

My other mum nods, her green eyes bright, "The rain will stop in 10 minutes anyway, c'mon Carmen, aren't you excited to see Pops?"

I nod, shielding my face with my hand as we rush down the path to Poppy and Manu's house.

I knock on the door, a smile blooming on my face with excitement.

Manu pulls it open after a few seconds, his eyes flashing with recognition. "Carmen!"

"Hey Manu!"

He pulls me into a hug, then glances at my parents behind me, flashing a warm smile. "Mrs King, Mrs Romero, it's great to see you again."

I suddenly hear a rush of footsteps and Poppy comes flying at me, nearly knocking me backwards. "Carmen!" She exclaims.

I hug Poppy tightly in return, grinning so hard it hurts. "I've missed you Pops."

"I can't believe it's been nearly two years." She pulls away, then her eyes widen. "Ah your hair! It's red!"

I shrug. "I wanted a change."

"Gorgeous, I can't even believe you even moved away in the first place!"

"It's not my fault! I've been complaining about Queensland since we moved."

Mum laughs, "It's true."

"Belle, Camilla!" Poppy rushes to hug my Mums next.

"It's great to see you, Pops." Mama smiles.

"Should we finish the reunion inside?" Manu suggests, chuckling.

We crowd into their little kitchen, catching up on our lives from the last 19 months.

I lived in Shorehaven for most of my life, I was practically raised on a surfboard due to my parents' profession and I've known Poppy's family for as long as I can remember. My mums were really close friends with her mum, Laynah, and when she died, they couldn't bear to be reminded of her everyday.

So, they dragged me away to Queensland, to start a new life, in a new home, at a new school, the only familiarity I had was surfing, and I hadn't gone back to Shorehaven since, until now.

My parents have a surf shop here, their sponsors, BluGravity, requested them to return for the Summer because of the new lookout for young talents and the growing popularity of Shorehaven. They hired a new apprentice to colour boards too, that we're yet to meet.

Manu interrupts my train of thought. "You're all welcome to stay."

Mum shakes her head, smiling. "Oh no Manu, we don't want to clutter up your household, Camilla and I will stay somewhere closer to the board shop, but I think Carmen on the other hand will have a fit if she doesn't stay here."

"Dramatic." I mumble, rolling my eyes.

"Accurate." Poppy corrects, smiling innocently.

"So, Little C, are you going to try out for Nationals tomorrow?" Manu asks.

"Duh, I can't wait. I hope the others haven't improved too much."

Poppy raises her eyebrows. "I suppose you'll have to see for yourself."

"I suppose I will."


I head to my parents' board shop that afternoon after we've settled in a bit. I want to see if they'll let me pick out a new board for nationals, that is, if I make the team.

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