12. Harbouring Secrets

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Stanley was now making his way to visit his uncle from his mother's side.  His mother, Wanda Whelan had already gone to her brother's house for a visit earlier and Stanley was going to join her. He was not keen on the visit. His father had ordered him to go as he couldn't. Stanley's father was busy at the Allistaire gathering doing business so he didn't have time to go... Stanley preferred to go back to his school that might but it was a Friday night and there was no excuse. He had no school tomorrow.

Stanley's uncle was Wyatt Whelan. Stanley did not get along with his uncle Wyatt. Stanley had not been lucky, on either side of his family. The Whelan's were not different to Alistaires. They were very similar. His uncle lived in New York now after relocating from Las Vegas where he had built a business empire. Now he was expanding his hotel casinos in New York so he stayed in New York mostly.

Stanley made his way to the address and as he got off his ride he was met at the gate by the security personnel who let him through quickly.

Stanley made his way to his uncle's new mansion that he was seeing for the first time. It was huge. Well Wyatt Whelan was a busy man and did conduct business from home too. He had alot of personnel working for him that lived in villas surrounding this mansion in New York. The private property was massive. In the middle of nowhere in outskirts of New York. It was the perfect location for  easy illegal work.

Stanley was met by a maid at the lobby who lead him to his mother's room. She had a special guest room especially for her only there of course. His uncle had a good relations with his mother. He knocked and entered.

As Stanley entered he saw his mother was trying on jewellery from her collection. He cleared his throat.

Wanda turned around "You are finally here..." She walked towards him. She narrowed her eyes "What are you wearing? Do you call this an outfit? You are here to see your uncle and this is how you turn up? I need to take you shopping..."

Stanley said "You dont need to take me shopping... My outfit is fine..."

Wanda sighed "You never care for fashion... Guess what? You need to start caring... What would your girlfriend say? Oh wait you dont even have a girlfriend... What is wrong with you?"

Stanley said "Mother can we not discuss that?"

Wanda said "Agreed.... Let's discuss new clothing for you... Lets take you shopping... This weekend... I would take you now but its abit late... Most designer shops are closed..."

Stanley was glad shops were closed. He did not want to take suitcases of clothes that he was never going to use back to his school accommodation. He was not one interested in luxury. But his mother was and she went overboard at providing him with anything he needed. His mother cared for him. Stanley wished she cared for others too in the same way. That was the issue. His family were only nice to each other and treated anyone considering below their class like dirt and scum.

Stanley said "I am busy this weekend anyway..."

Wanda rolled her eyes "Aren't you always?" She then walked to the door "Let's go have dinner... Your uncle had to leave an hour ago but will be home soon... I know you dont wish to dine with him and your father forced you to be here... Just be diplomatic. And dont get on your uncle's nerves... I will try to help..."

Stanley was glad she understood. He hated his uncle.

Stanley followed his mother to the dining room. They sat down at the already set out table and started eating.

Wanda said "Your uncle wants to talk to you..."

Stanley asked "About what?"

Wanda said "Dont be surprised if he asks you to work for him in weekends..."

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