16. New Generation

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The Orsinos and the Rosarios were sitting down the private dining room of an Orsino hotel. Ottavio and Verona were mostly quiet. They just ate and listened to what their parents talked about. Of course Ottavio just loved sitting opposite Verona and watching her. It was his dream scenario for his family to dine with hers and they all feel close. They could have been this close all their lives if their fathers worked out their differences. 

Verona's parents and Ottavio's parents were sitting facing each other and they hardly ate unlike their children. Viggo drank mostly and his wife held his hand from time to time. As for Orlando Rosario and his wife Cinzia Carboni, they were enjoying themselves having the company of the Rosarios. 

It had been a while now they were seated. Only Venetziano was absent as he had gone outside answering a phone call. 

Viggo Rosario was now staring silently at Orlando listening to him talk as he was sipping from his wine. This was going to be one long dining experience. Lunch time was meant to be a quiet time with his family but he had been dragged in to endure dining with the Orsinos. Orlando had been complimenting Viggo for his business ethics and his successes recently. Viggo just kept nodding in silence.

Cinzia told her husband "Orlando. Stop talking about business... We are here for a personal gathering..."

Angelia wanted to roll her eyes. Cinzia was good at stirring up situations. She loved their families to bond as much as her husband and she had not been able to hide her excitement. A Rosario and an Orsino dating was a big deal.

Orlando smiled "Of course... I agree... We are here to have a the first of many get togethers with the Rosario family... Aren't we Viggo?"

Viggo said "I am not sure that would be practical. I live far away from you.... Travelling to this part of town is quite a trek..."

Orlando said "Of course... I agree... Thats why you should always have overnight stays at one of the Orsino hotels when we have such visits... Of course Cinzia and I would love to stay at Rosario hotels when we come over..."

Viggo said "I dont think overnight stays are necessary..."

Orlando said "Nonsense. We are not strangers Viggo." Orlando raised his glass of wine "I would like to raise a glass to our families having closer relations...

Viggo was drinking from his wine and almost choked on it. His wife held his free hand that was on his lap and squeezed it.

Verona was looking at her father warily hoping he did not get angry. There was so much the Orsinos could say before her father reacted. Her father was a lenient and liberal father but when matters concerned Verona, he took no prisoners if he retaliated to threats.

Angelia was looking worriedly at Viggo. She did not want her husband to react. How could she de-escalate the tensions. To her relief she saw their son coming inside the private dining room of the hotel. It was a perfect distraction "Oh. Venetziano is here.  I say we start ordering some deserts" She then handed out menus enthusiastically.

Venetziano sat at the table next to his father. He opened the menu that his mother passed onto him.

Viggo eyed him "Where were you this long?"

Venetziano said "On the phone..."

Viggo asked "You spent this entire time on one phone call?.." He was surprised. Who in their right mind spoke to his son for this long on the phone.

Venetziano shrugged and looked down at the menu.

Orlando looked at Venetziano and asked "I hear you have joined Ottavio's school."

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