XXXII.Looks good (32641M.Y.)

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doctor walks out of Duke's room

Jean: How is he?

Doctor: His condition got severely worse

Jean: How's that possible?

Doctor: I'm not sure but if it will continue this fast...

Jean: There is nothing you can do?

Doctor: My queen i think you should prepare the kingdom...

he nodded with sad face then Jean leaves to her room and she didn't come out the entire day until next day morning when she visits king in his room

Jean: Duke?

Duke: Jean

Jean: How are you?

Duke: I feel better than yesterday

Jean: That's good kingdom needs you

Duke: No kingdom needs a ruler i'm no ruler anymore

Jean: Don't say that

Duke: Jean i failed you i failed my sisters i failed everyone

Jean: Duke i forgive you...

Duke: But i can't forgive myself

Jean: It's seriously bad in Midlian

Duke: What...

Jean: The war

Duke: Jean we talked about this we can't help there because it would start war in Avia

Jean: I know but it's like to everything i came out with you say no i feel like you don't love me anymore

Duke: Jean i love you but...

he starts to caught serious badly again

Jean: Doctor!

doctor runs in and Jean walks out

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