Chapter 27: The Heir

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Author Note: Here is a key for reference in case the reading is confusing.

"" -Someone is speaking outloud

'' -Someone is thinking to themselves/also used to for the name Hikaru at times to show that it is actually Hinako in disguise.

***. -Time Skip


3rd Person POV

Months had passed since the girls revealed themselves to their friends. Kira and Yuta had graduated and left Shishiku. 'Hikaru', keeping up the charade, along with Honoka, Totomaru, and Konparu continued like nothing changed within the school grounds.

Honoka quickly subdued the new batch of first-years like she did the year prior. Her reputation was continually on the rise after her many challenges instaged by other students. She was both the most loved and feared within Shishiku Academy.

'Hikaru' was famous for never being seen to fight from the younger grades, despite being the boss of Shishiku. There were many rumors as to why that was the case, but none ever came close to the truth.

However, today was the day that they would get to see 'Hikaru' for the first time because today was the day. It was the day that Honoka had challenged her 'brother', 'Hikaru' to a fight to become the boss of Shishiku.

***Flashback to the Day Before***

Honoka and 'Hikaru' were facing each other in the courtyard where they could be seen by many of the students.

"I challenge you Hikaru!" Honoka said determinally towards the person she was facing. "I challenge you for the top spot in Shishiku! Tomorrow in the gym after school!" With those words she turned around and left the school premise without 'Hikaru' with her for the first time.

Everyone in the audience, students of Shishiku and friends of the 'twins', were left stunned at the challenge that was just issued.

"No way! Did Honoka just challenge her brother?!" Someone from the audience exclaimed to his group of friends.

"She's turned on him!" Another shouted.

"What happens if she wins?!" A new voice was added to that large ramblings.

"No way that would happen. Hikaru's the strongest!" Someone protested.

"But we've never seen him fight!" Another voice argued.

"It could be anyone! They are both Onigashimas!"

"If she does then she'll be the first female boss of Shishiku!"

"I bet the whole school will come to watch the match!"

"Not only the school, but what if we get some visitors?"

"Like who?" One of the new first years asks confused.

"Like the former bosses that followed Hikaru and was friends with Honoka!"

"Houou might show up too! After all he's their older brother!"

"No way,THE HOUOU?!?!?!"

"This fight will be one to watch for sure."


And now it was after school, and everyone was crowded in the gym, leaving only enough room in the middle for 'Hikaru's' and Honoka's fight that was to commence soon.

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