Chapter 17: Fight Club

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Author Note: Here is a key for reference in case the reading is confusing.

"" -Someone is speaking outloud

'' -Someone is thinking to themselves/also used to for the name Hikaru at times to show that it is actually Hinako in disguise.

***. -Time Skip


3rd Person POV

It was just like any morning in the Konparu household. Their mother went to work early like every other day, and Takayuki Konparu, first year of Shishiku, cooked breakfast for his four younger brothers and sisters. Now he was handing all the kids their lunch money for the day as they walked out the door to school.

"Bye Ni-san!"

"See you later Ni-san."

"Thanks Ni-san."

"Have a good day Ni-san!"

They all comment walking out.

Having finished taking care of his siblings, Konparu finished getting ready to head to school himself. He always helped out in the morning and whenever he had the chance. His father passed away a few years ago, so he mother is always working to have enough money to take care of her five children. As the eldest Konparu always had a part time job and cooked breakfast and dinner everyday.

Konparu was walking down the street headed to Shishiku and meet up with Hikaru and the others before his phone started to ring.

Seeing his phone screen, he noticed that the call was from an unknown number.

"Hello?" He answered in his usual monotone.

"Hello. Is this Takayuki Konparu? The son of Miyuki?" A sweet feminine voice asked over the phone?

"Yes, is something the matter?"

"I'm calling from Shima Hospital about your mother. Earlier this morning she was in an accident, so she will be here until she wakes up. Please come to the hospital to sign her in."

Konpaur's heart sank at the news. "I'll be right there!" With that Konparu hangs up and runs to Shima Hospital, his only thoughts focused on his mother.


"Miyuki Konparu, where is she?" He quickly asks the receptionists when he arrives.

"Mrs. Konparu is in room 202." The receptionist answers.

Not wasting another second he bolted towards the correct room and quickly entered. Despite his speed, he opened the door with little noise. Once he entered he saw his mother hooked up to several machines. The monitor connected to her heart rate beeped at a steady pace.

Walking closer to her passed out form on the bed, Konparu notices that she looked uncomfortable as she slept. Sweat pooled around her face and she was slightly flexing her arms as if she was frightened.

"Mom," Konparu says. His voice sounded like his normal one to an everyday person, but if they paid closer attention they would catch the slight waver at the end.

A nurse walked into the room. "Oh you must be her son."

"Yes. What's her condition?" He asked not looking at the nurse as he spoke.

"She is stable for now, but it looks like she will need to have surgery on her leg. You'll need to be able to pay in advance for it." After explaining and checking her vitals, the nurse left the room.

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