The Large Attack Part Two

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As Origin Steve left into the cave with Void Steve he gave me a single nod, not knowing where I was as he walked inside. He... I can't believe he truly wants to help us- No me. He just wants to help me. He couldn't care about the others. That... Is something I will have to think about.

I rubbed my shoulder in pain as it ached from all the movement and positions I put myself in to be hidden out of sight, my wounds are healing quickly, but not quick enough. More than anything I just want to go back to sleep. Even if all of this was worth it in the end... I was still tired.  I made my way back to the village still being hidden from everything around me in case they try to follow me back, not that I believe I was seen.

By the time I made it back to the village was the Sun was just starting to rise. The Steve's will start coming out of there house soon. I made it to the house me and Time share before climbing up the side of the house into my bedroom window. I climbed into the room and quietly closed the window behind me. I took the note I wrote earlier and destroyed it. Once it was gone I went to my small closet and grabbed the new clothes I was given. The rainbow jacket was probably my favorite peices of it all. Once I was done I hid the clothes I made for myself in my closet and got under the covers of my bed. The white designed shirt was soft and smooth. The brown jeans fit well and I put on my old chicken like shoes to add some comedic charm to the outfit. With the Galaxy blindfold on... I really did feel like a hero to the Steves. The leaves and moss on my skin was still healing me slowly. Some parts of it were dead and I simply for the dead ones off to see my skin perfectly cleared and healed.

I flopped onto the bed not bothering to get into the covers. Exhaustion quickly took me as I sighed with relief and laid on my bed. I'll just... close my eyes... for a... few minutes....

"Morning Sabre! I'm making breakfast!" A loud booming voice of Galaxy called out as we opened the door without knocking. I groaned a bit. I didn't even get to close my eyes. "You are already dressed too! Great! The outfit looks great on you! I'm making waffles!" He cheers a bit before closing the door and leaving the room.

Looks like I'll have to take my nap later. In annoyance I got out of bed and made my way downstairs. Once I got downstairs I quickly sat on the couch. I looked to the side to see Ghost Steve. He was asleep on the couch.

"We really need to get you a room." I told him while he slept. He has been here on the couch for a few days. I offered him a room, but he keeps insisting the couch is fine.

"It's not noon yet... let me sleep..." Ghost complains as he goes back to sleep. Right... he doesn't usually wake up until later- Because he is a ghost- wait- did he see me leave the house last night?! I really hope he didn't.

"Aww and sleep the morning away? That's not fun." Galaxy frowns a bit. I laughed a little.

"Not everyone is a morning person- honestly I am surprised you like mornings yourself Galaxy." I say honestly.

"I'm an early bird and a night owl! I don't need much sleep." Galaxy explains as he went back to waffle making. I rested my head on the back of the bed. Usually I am a morning person with Galaxy, but not today. I rubbed Ghost's head while he slept. He relaxed a bit while I did. I used to do it all the time when he was in the rainbow town with us.  It was a way of letting him know he wasn't alone- thinking about it- I think I have snuggled with all my friends at some point. Usually when we traveled to keep warm.

I hear footsteps and see Time come down the stairs while stretching his arms back. His hair was a bit messy and undo from the usual braid he had.

"Morning Time." I smile to him. Time looks at me.

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