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Nico's POV 🖤

Its 7:00 am in the morning and im still in bed when i hear Hazel, my younger sister calling my name. When i dont get up she comes into my room and takes the blanket's off me, " Nico, you have to get up. Todays my first year of high school! And the bus is picking us up in half an hour and you still have not eaten" she says. I groan because i know she's right, i have to get up.

After I get dressed in my normal attire, black jeans, black t shirt and a black sweatshirt, i run down stairs. Hazel has bacon made and is scouring around getting her self ready. I sit down yawning, i am not much of a morning person, after grabbing some bacon. Hazel comes into the kitchen dressed in a purple shirt, a white sweatshirt and blue jeans, she smiles and asks "how do i look?" I smile and say" like a typical freshman."

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