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This chapter is dedicated to @chachb4life , follow them💜 There super cool! and there books are amazhang!!

Nico's POV

When i got home i went straight up stairs and called Will. He picked up on the second ring and said "Hello?" I smiled "this is the police station, come out with your hands up". I heard him sigh through the phone "whats up Neeks?" I tried to growl but it came out as a giggle wich turned into a full on laugh! Hazel must have heard and I heard her knock on the door "is everything ok nico?" she asked. She sounded worried, as if it was weird to laugh, I hear people do it every day.. Of course Will took this moment to say"damn Neeks, your laugh is ADORABLE!" Hazel bursts in and sais " who are you talking to?" I feel my cheeks heat up and stutter "im not, he's not, we're , what?" she smirks " he's not what nico, who are you talkin to?" I hear Will, who is unfortinitly on speaker phone, say "hey Hazel! Guess what, im his boyfriend!" she gasps "omg!!! good for you!!" she then throws her arms around me and squeezs really tight. I push her off "go away Hazel"i groan, she winks and walks out the door.

Will's POV

After Hazel left me and Nico talked for exactly 50 minutes and 43 seconds longer. When he hung up and left for dinner I just layed in bed thinking about his beautiful laugh. Eventually i had to go down for my own dinner, which i could smell from up in my room, enchiladas!

-------------------------------------------------------time skip just cuase---------------------------------------

I couldent sleep for some reason so i thought about calling Nico again, but decided against it. Instead, i called my best friend, Piper. "hey will, whats up?" she asked "besides the sky?" i answerd, this was how our conversations always started. She laughed" yes, besides the sky" i was silent for a second and then said" well.. i have a boyfriend!"

Thanks for the idea @Chachb4life!


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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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