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                                                                                   Will's POV 

I cant wait! I just moved from new York and today I'm starting my sophomore year of high school  at a new school. I know, ill be the new kid, but I'll make it work. In my opinion, I'm pretty good at making friends so i think I've got this.

Its 7:31 in the morning and I'm waiting for the bus. When it finally pulls up i get on and look for a seat. As i walk down the bus i see dozens of eyes on me, I look at all of them and smile. When I near the end of the bus I spot a small boy in all black sitting alone looking down on the ground. When he senses me approaching he looks up and I stop in my  tracks. The boy has deep chocolatey brown eyes and i gasp when I see them.

                                                                                   Nico's POV 

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                                                                                   Nico's POV 

I always sit alone on the bus, pressing my self into the shadows and not making eye contact with anyone. But today I new was going to be different. I new as soon as I saw those perfect sapphire eyes look down at me and the gold of his curls. Surprisingly the golden haired boy came up and asked" may I sit hear?" I feel my cheeks heat up and I mumble" sure, go ahead." He flashes me a perfectly white grin and sits down close enough so our legs touch. He puts down his bag and says cheerfully" Hi! I'm William, but please call me Will. What's your name?" I sigh [blush] and say " I'm Nico." The whole 15 minutes of the bus ride, Will talks and asks questions. I answer every question as vaguely as I can, but listen to Will as he gives me his life story. 

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