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Leaves and twigs snapped under his feet as he pushed himself to run faster through the underbrush of the forest. His body was screaming at him to stop but he just couldn't. He didn't want to be eaten alive, much less because his mother had died only hours earlier. He still remembered the harsh words of the castle guards as they tossed him out of the front gates of his home.

"You're on your own from this point on halfbreed! Now that your mother isn't here, we could do to you as we please but we honestly couldn't bother to waste our time with you any longer!"

The tears continued to run down his cheeks, as he called out for help. He could hear the demons behind him yelling for him to stop and accept his fate, but the thought of them ripping him limb from limb caused him to grimace and shake his head of the image, closing his eyes momentarily. This proved to be a fatal mistake as his foot became caught up in some stray vines creeping across the forest floor, sending him crashing into the ground. He scrambled back to his feet and continued to run, determined to put distance between him and the blood thirsty trio of demons that were chasing him.

He realized all too late that he'd run himself toward a ravine and had effectively trapped himself at it's edge. Fearful eyes looked around for another escape route but he was entirely unsure of where to go. The demons caught up with him quickly, surrounding him and cutting off any last escape routes. More tears ran down his face as his heart leaped into his throat.

This was it. This was where he died.

"At last we have caught you, you scrawny little halfbreed!" The first of the demons cheered victoriously.

The second one chuckled,"I've never had halfbreed before, I hope its not as tasteless as other demons say it is..."

"I'll swallow you whole!" The third one yelled.

The other two demons looked at the third and immediately grew irritated. "Who said you get to eat him, you ingrate?" The first growled.

"Hmph. It's not like we can share it! Look at how small it is!" The third replied.

While the demons argued over who got to eat him, they failed to notice the winged figure that had been circling overhead, waiting for the opportune moment to swoop in. And it seemed that moment was now. The figure folded its wings and dove toward the boy with arms outstretched, ready for the grab.

The boy stood oak still; his feet still refusing to move and his mind in a jumble. He suddenly felt arms encircle his chest and was lifted from the ground. He heard the roared protests of the demons below as they had just realized their meal was escaping. It was then that the child seemed to come back to his senses as he began to squirm in his rescuer's arms, demanding that he be let go; not quite realizing that if the figure did, he would fall into the depths of the ravine.

"Whoa! Calm down there little one! I'm not going to hurt you!" A female voice suddenly called out over the wind.

He slowed his squirming for a moment to observe his rescuer while still clutching to her arms. She had a fair face with tanned skin and bright blue eyes that rivaled the sky. He spied the short pointed ears that jutted out the sides of her head. Her long dark brown hair had white highlights streaking throughout as it billowed around them in the wind. She wore a simple dark violet tunic and light colored trousers. However, her most prominent feature were her large falcon-like wings that carried them across the night sky.

The child ceased his squirming entirely, but still trembled as he observed her features. She looked back at him and offered a gentle smile in an attempt to calm him.

"Y-you're not gonna hurt me...?" The little boy questioned.

"Goodness no! I'd never dream of hurting such an innocent child!" She replied with a mock look of shock.

He contemplated her for a moment before he slowly ceased his trembling, realizing she truly wasn't a threat. She had rescued him after all, and she hadn't given him any reason to fear her as of yet. As he continued to observe her, she decided to take that opportune moment to introduce herself to hopefully calm him down some more.

"My name is Keiko. What's yours?" She asked politely.

The boy looked hesitant for a moment before timidly answering, "I-Inuyasha..."

Keiko smiled and replied cheerfully, "Well, Inuyasha, how would you like to come live with me for a while? I promise you'll be safe."

The little boy's eyes lit up at the prospect of being safe. But there was still hesitance present in his features. Keiko noticed this and smiled gently before offering a little more reassurance, "I promise that no one will harm you where I am from. Where I live, we all take care of one another and you will be no different."

In that instant she watched as the boy's hesitance melted away, leaving room for hope and relief. She couldn't believe that a child this young, even a demon, would be running for his life when he should be safe in a den somewhere. But what had happened didn't matter any longer. She had made him a promise and she was going to keep it. So, with the hopeful little boy in her arms she took him to what would soon be his home.

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