Chapter 5: The Nest

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The green expanse of trees were a blur below him as he soared over them. The heavy rain beat down on him, feeling like hundreds of needles across his skin. Inuyasha looked down at the girl in his arms, wrapped in his firerat robe. He wanted her to be protected from the rain so she wouldn't come down with a sickness that would make her already critical condition worse. He turned his golden eyes back to the horizon, waiting for the mountainside hiding the entrance to the nest to come into view. Even wrapped in his firerat robe, Kagome would soon succumb to illness. That thought alone caused him to beat his wings harder, trying to shave time off of his desperate commute.

Rounding a cliffside, he felt a rush a relief when the illusionary mountainside hiding the entrance to the nest finally came into view. He managed to beat his wings even faster, causing his already aching muscles to protest in agony. Once he was close enough, he gave one final flap to propel himself forward before quickly folding his wings and diving straight toward the mountainside at a steep angle. He didn't worry about crashing into the mountain, the whole cliffside was one massive illusion. He passed right through the illusion and continued downward toward a gaping hole in the real cliffside. He whizzed past the cave entrance and continued down the steep tunnel leading downward into the nest. A light at the bottom of the passage indicated he was coming to the end of the tunnel and he tightened his grip on Kagome.

The tunnel ended abruptly, and Inuyasha flared his wings to catch the air. The cold air of the Tundra Cliffs biome settled around them quickly, causing Kagome to stir slightly. A low groan came from her limp form before she settled again. Inuyasha felt her stir but didn't falter. He continued to push forward, despite the cold air making his sopping wet clothing and wings even colder. His only concern was Kagome and it was going to be until she was cured. As he flew, he took immediate notice of the snowy wing guards approaching him. An irritated growl made its way out between his clenched teeth as he abruptly slowed to a hover. The guards also slowed to a hover about ten feet from him and addressed him with a nod. He nodded back, giving them permission to speak.

"Inuyasha, I hope you have a damn good reason for bringing a human into the nest..." The first guard stated, his attention resting on Kagome for a moment before returning to Inuyasha's gaze.

"I do, in fact, have a damn good reason. She was poisoned by a snake youkai and is dying. I'm taking her to Keiko to get an antidote," Inuyasha explained hurriedly, a low growl accompanying the explanation.

The two guards flinched in surprise at his tone before nodding and moving to the side, allowing Inuyasha passage. The winged teen returned the gesture before taking off again. He resumed his hurried pace, weaving his way through the multitude of biomes that occupied the cave. It didn't take him long to notice that his and Kagome's presence was drawing the attention of the other wings as he passed through their biomes. Despite this, he paid them no mind. His current priority was getting Kagome to Keiko so she could give her the antidote.

Relief flooded through him when the Redwood Forest came into view. He weaved his way through the massive trees, being careful not to jostle Kagome too much. He landed on the pad that led to the front door of his den and called out for Keiko.

"Keiko! I need help!" He called.

There was the sound of rustling cloth and a woman appeared in the doorway. She looked at him in concern before her gaze fell to the girl in his arms. Her eyes widened before she hurried forward, bombarding him with questions.

"What happened? Who is this girl?" Keiko questioned urgently.

"I'll explain in a little while. Right now, I need you to make an antidote for snake youkai venom. She got poisoned and is dying," Inuyasha explained hurriedly, his sentence coming out in short, panicked breaths.

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