Chapter 7: Eras of Confusion

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The wind hissed in his ear, his low grumblings lost to it as he soared over the countryside. Inuyasha didn't understand why he was leaving Kagome back at the nest with Keiko when he could've just stayed until Kagome was well and then brought her with him. It wasn't as if the world was going to end in two days if he didn't go find the sword mentioned by Keiko. He supposed she just wanted him to retrieve it from the western lord as soon as possible.

As he passed over another hill, He gave an exasperated sigh of relief as Kaede's village finally came into view.  He wasn't going to bother stopping in for a visit with the old hag, as that would just take more time than he currently had. He angled himself toward the clearing where the well was, a small spot of anxiety trickling into his chest as he landed in the clearing that housed the well. Approaching the seemingly harmless structure, he peered over the edge of it into its dark depths. A black abyss stared right back at him, taunting him to jump in. Swallowing the unease that had suddenly taken up residence within him, he folded his wings tightly to himself and hauled his body over into the well with one swift move. He half expected to slam into the bottom of the well, but when he didn't, his unease slowly became a heavy knot in his stomach.

The feeling didn't last long though. Suddenly, the pocket containing the jewel inside his hitoe began to glow brightly. As if in reaction to this, the void around him suddenly exploded into a brilliant light show, creating a shining curtain around him.

"What the hell?" He spoke aloud, his voice echoing around him.

A sudden feeling of weightlessness jolted through him, causing him to flare his wings on instinct. He could feel himself being pulled further into the direction of a particularly bright spot of light. Letting himself be guided to it, the luminous curtain around him faded almost as soon as it had began. He was quickly settled on solid ground once more and it was then that he realized that he was at the bottom of the well.

"What the hell was that all about?" He questioned.

"I'm telling you gramps! Something grabbed Kagome and dragged her into the well!" A childish voice suddenly spoke from somewhere above him.

Another voice joined the first, "Sota that is impossible! The well has been sealed up tight for generations! Nothing could possibly get through! And besides, Kagome would've been calling out for help if she did fall in!" The voice belonged to what sounded like an older man.

He looked up to see who was speaking but was suddenly drenched in something that smelled suspiciously like sake. Coughing at the smell of it, his vision was suddenly assaulted with a bright spotlight. Using his now soaked sleeve to cover his eyes he jumped out of the well, almost instantaneously startling whoever was at the top. Landing on the edge of the well, he observed the two figures that were now sprawled on the ground, bodies trembling and eyes wide with fright. Neither party moved for some time before the smaller of the two let loose and ear splitting scream and began to scramble to his feet. This caused to old man to give a start and follow suit, both stumbling up the stairs for the door of what looked to be the shed they were in. Only slightly amused by their antics, Inuyasha jumped clear over their heads and slammed the door shut before they could reach it, causing the old man to face plant into it and the young boy to run into his backside, both falling on their rumps.

"Quit freaking out will ya? I ain't gonna hurt ya!" Inuyasha barked, immediately grabbing both their attentions.

Squatting down to their eye level he addressed them, "You were saying Kagome's name before. How do you know her?" He questioned.

"You know Kagome?" The boy asked, his voice a bit shaky.

"Yeah, she's staying with my family for now," the teen replied.

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