Chapter 10: Returning to Origins

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He had to admit, the countryside was rather beautiful today. Inuyasha had flown well into the night, only stopping at Kaede's briefly to show off Tetsusaiga and tell her that he'd be returning with Kagome in a short while. Kaede had expressed her appreciation for his visit as well as her fascination with his new blade. He had then hesitantly revealed that he was the one from the prophecy, which also revealed that he was part fae in the process. Kaede had revealed that she already suspected as much, but she wouldn't tell a soul about it. He'd expressed his gratitude at this and swiftly departed the village, intent on getting home before sunrise in hopes that he'd be able to get what little sleep he could. He was even more relieved when Myoga had parted ways with him, saying something along the lines of 'I'll only be around when you have need of me, sire'.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes at the thought but he was somewhat relieved himself, he wouldn't have to shake the flea off somewhere because he didn't want to take him into the nest. Kagome had caused quite a stir as it was, and the last thing he wanted to do was to unnecessarily drag another stranger into the nest without good reason. Kagome's situation had been dire, therefore overriding the need to keep strangers out of the nest. But now, he hoped that by the time he returned, she would be well enough to travel. He'd been thinking about her return to her own time quite a lot during his flight, and if he was being honest to himself, it made him a little anxious. Even if he'd only just met her, he was going to be slightly upset when she was gone. He believed that it was the originally the jewel that had allowed her to pass through the well, and he was positive that once she no longer possessed it, she would not be able to return without it. And he knew he didn't have the luxury of keeping it either. Demons from all over would come looking for it once they learned of its reemergence, and he didn't exactly find the notion too appealing. His duty as a fae warrior and prince to the fae was to guard the nest and its people, therefore, he had to destroy the jewel as soon as possible to prevent any direct attacks on the nest.

Thoughts of this nature continued to swirl in his head all throughout the flight, even as he approached the illusionary mountainside that hid the nest. Almost on muscle memory, he dove into the illusion just as he had so many times before. The cold wintry air of the Tundra cliffs biome hit him like a brick, causing him to snap out of his stupor and flare his wings. Catching himself, he hovered for a few moments to collect himself before taking off into the cavern once more. He greeted the other wings as he flew through their biomes, and most greeted him with friendly smiles as he flew by before beginning their early morning chores. The children were most fascinated by him, jumping up and down while flapping their wings and waving wildly to catch his attention. He would usually stop and humor them for a moment before heading off again, but it was important that he get home as soon as he possibly could, so he just waved as he passed.

It wasn't long before he laid eyes on the Redwood biome and he beat his wings slightly faster, hoping that maybe he could get at least a half hour of sleep. Unfortunately, he had no such luck. As soon as he landed on the den platform, he could hear the busy shuffling of the two occupants inside and promptly gave up any hope for sleep. He shuffled into the hut and was immediately greeted by Keiko, who was busy at the counter across the room.

"Welcome back Inu! How was the trip?" She asked, turning to greet him properly.

"It went about as well as you could expect it to..." Inuyasha trailed off with a heavy yawn.

Keiko's brows pinched together in slight worry as she observed her adopted son. "Did you fly all night?" She asked.

"Yeah. I stopped at Kaede's yesterday evening but not for very long," He replied, attempting to stifle another yawn.

Suddenly, Kagome wandered into the room with an armload of clothes, some of them being her own. She was now dressed in one of Keiko's sets of robes and trousers; the clothing flowing around her delicately creating an almost mystical look about her. Inuyasha stared for a moment too long which caused Kagome to arch a brow in question.

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