Period 3 pt 2

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Creator: Good morning...or night......or afternoon..... new page... or chapter... either way...hi.

Dream: I can see that... whatever...

Dream, silence, and insanity see a giant door to the classroom.

Silence: ............ .............. ..... (translation)
Dannngggggg, that's a large door, almost bigger than my house....

Dream: Interesting...small house you got then because this door is only....50000 meters in height, 30000 meters in length, and 10 in width.

Insanity: How did you... know? I mean... I have a skill to do that, but....

Dream: Buddy....I've had it before, and... I'm quite good at everything....

Insanity: How many lives.... whatever...

Dream: Well... let's just say it's so long... numbers can't describe it.... Infinity... if you would say.... is not enough....

Dream opens the door, and 500 tiny sats and bebs pop out... Technology class...

Insanity: Oh...I'm great with technology.

Dream: Me too....

Silence: ... (translation) Isn't that a given at this point....

Dream: Silence...I've been you before... I  don't want to talk about it....

Insanity: What about me?

Dream: I've been you before, too.

Insanity: What's the limit on your power?

Dream: I can't be someone stronger than me.

Silent:.......... (translation) Have you been someone like... kirby?

Dream: Obviously.... On my 800 billionth life... Weirdly exactly on it...

Creator: He can not see this, but he can currently be considered..."HUMAN" In a way..... of personality... even if he's lived beyond reality before.

What if he's lived a good life? He's dealt with powers beyond comprehension... hardships you wouldn't even see in your nightmares....

Do you think someone has felt bad? He's done it millions, trillions, quintillions, and more times than it... yet it still stings... don't get me wrong, he still has Nirvana.... but not even that is enough to protect what dream has seen.

That's why he learned that it doesn't matter if you impact life... but instead, you need to chill... relax, take your time.... that's why school sucks... it takes up too much time of life.

Dream: I've also been people like.... George Washington...or Albert Einstein.
Of course, I get his memories, intelligence, and creativity of these characters, not only that I get their abilities. Like real life kind of abilities.
Now, let's get into class. We've been here for like...4 weeks....

Creator: HAHA, NO SCHOOL YET FOR YOU GUYS. Bye, and have a good day

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