Chapter 10: One More Day Of Trouble By Nora

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Dedicated to @AshealaTasker

Comment and you get dedicated. Simple.



"What the hell?!" I groaned and rolled over. The pillow I pulled over my head wasn't helping either.

"Why would you call her?!"

"She called me asshole!"

"Oh Im the asshole now?!"

I screamed into the pillow before lifting up and stumbling off the bed towards Nolan and Dave who decided to have this redundant conversation in the doorway of our room. I glared at them both as I snatched the phone from Dave.

"No Mia," Nolan scolded but I had already spoke into the phone.


"Ella?! Ella?! Is that you? It's Nora hun...Im so sorry I didnt notice! I knew he was up to something! I should have dug deeper and maybe figured it out and took you home you know! My brother is a piece of shit okay and I will call the police right away, okay? Just stay with Dave and you'll be fine, okay?" I couldn't get a word in as Nora literally talked my ear off.

Nolan snatched the phone away from me before yelling at Nora. "No...she is fucking fine mind your own business!!! Yes I saw the we are fine!.....If you call the cops I swear.....You bitch!...No,no what happened to blood being thicker than water.....Your my sister!"

I faintly heard her yell back,"No Im not, my only sibling is my older brother Noah who was actually worth being called my brother! Your such a fuckup Nolan you..."

By then Nolan backed away from the phone as if it shocked him. Tears welled up in his eyes and he threw the phone so hard against the wall it broke.

"What the hell man," Dave exclaimed.

"You shut the hell up!" Nolan was furious as he snatched up a bag and began throwing extra clothes in and proceeding to the kitchen to stuff food. "Lets go Mia!"

"What? Whats happening?"

"She is calling the police we gotta go," Nolan seemed solemn as he continued packing a whole buch of Dave's shit but Dave just stood there so I guess he didnt mind.

"Can we get a little cash?" Dave frowned at Nolan's question but sighed and gave him a couple fives in the end.

"If the police come just please tell them we were never here."

"I cant just lie to the police like that Nolan!"

"Well it's that or getting charged for housing fugitives," Nolan sneered before opening the door,"You can think it over."

That's all he said before grabbing my arm tightly and leading us out the building.

We slipped on our glasses and hats before heading outside. The weather was a little chilly but warm at the same time. We just kept walking and walking. Nolan gripped tightly on my arm while his other arm held a Walmart bag with snacks and a few of Dave's extra clothes. I was grumpy and agitated much like Nolan but we both felt that way for different reasons. I was woken up randomly out my slumber and then later dragged out the door and on the street while Nolan just got told that he was a major fuckup.

We were silent as we walked and walked. I didnt know how many blocks we had walked until I saw that we had left the city and were slowly walking towards a small suburb.

My feet hurt and the little kids riding their bikes and running around all turned and looked at us oddly. We did look pretty odd afterall. Nolan didnt pay attention to them though he just kept foward, practically dragging me now.

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