Chapter 45

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My phone starts ringing so I close the book I'm reading and set it down on the stand that's next to me.
Ricky's name is what it says across the screen. "Hello?" I ask holding my need to hear his voice.

There's no answer all I can hear is moans in the background. No that can't be it, I hope that's not it. We just got back together. I can't believe he's cheating on me.
"We're over!" I yell into the phone, I know he probably can't hear me but I really needed to say that.

Now I know how he felt when I cheated on him with Ben. Maybe me and Ricky just aren't meant to be, I need to just learn that. I walk upstairs basically dragging myself. When i get into my room I don't even bother changing.
I fall into a dreamless sleep trying to forget any of this ever happened.


"Amy!" Someone calls shaking me awake. The voice belongs to Ricky.
"What?" I groan, turning my head to face him.

"I'm sorry about what I said before, I didn't mean it." He apologizes.

"Apology not accepted."

I get up and walk away from him. My bathroom doors open so I go in there and start brushing my hair.

"Amy?" Ricky asks still in the same place he was before.

"What!" I still continue to brush through my hair, I don't even want to hear what he has to say.

"Why are you still mad?"

He comes behind me and wraps his arm around my waist.
My stomach always turned when he did that. It doesn't happen this time, maybe I finally got over him.

"You slept with some other girl!" I scream turning my body away from him. This time it hurts saying it, tears come up to my eyes and I just can't hold them in.

He looks down ashamed, I honestly was hopping it was all a big lie. A prank he was trying to pull on me.
My world just came crashing down, he was my life and now it's gone.

"Don't ever talk to me again!" I slam the brush down on the sink and push him out of the way.

His footsteps come closer to me so I run faster down the stairs. Apparently I wasn't fast enough because I can feel his arms pull me up. I try to pull myself away but it doesn't work.
I eventually give up and cry into his chest. He runs his fingers through my hair and I think I actually hear him crying. I should feel bad but I don't.

"I need to go." I say breaking out of his grip.

"Please don't go." He begs.

"I have to." I can hear him sniffle and it kills me to hear it so I walk away.
I know it's probably not the right thing to do but I feel like I need to


"Ready John?" I ask putting the last shirt in my suitcase.
He nods his head excitedly as I lift the bag from my bed.

Me and Ricky have been distant and I can't tell what I think about it yet. John finally started talking again but we haven't figured out what actually happened.

Anyways I am trying to forget about all that because tomorrow Adrian is getting married. Me and John are leaving today.

"What about dad?" He asks taking my hand. "He can't come this weekend he got a job." I lie.

I drive to the airport which is like 20 minutes away. John talked his head off the whole way there it was hilarious.
My only wish is the plane ride won't be like that.

"We're here!" I say as I pull into the airport parking lot.
He nods his head nervously. "Don't worry you have been on a plane before." He smiles at me as we get out.

"Oh my god! Amy you made it!" Adrian shrieks as she opens her apartment door.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

She smiles at me as John runs up to her and gives her a hug.

"I would like you to meet someone" she says "Omar come out here."

I look at her confused but then Omar comes out with a cute little baby girl.

"She's adorable." I say putting her finger in my hand.

"Her names Rosie." Adrian informs me, "well nice to meet you Rosie." I shake her hand and she giggles.


"I'm so happy for you!" I scream to Adrian. We are at a hotel having a girls night. I think I started drinking to much.

"Come on drink one!" I try handing a bottle of beer to Adrian.
She just pushes it away refusing.

"Fine then let's go party." I say grabbing my phone of the counter. She doesn't refuse to that one she gets up and leads me outside.

She starts driving and I turn on the radio really loud. She just turns it down again. "Nooo I like it loud!" She just keeps starring at the road.

She pulls into a parking lot for a bakery.

"What are we doing here?" I ask confused.

"To eat I'm hungry."

I am also so I just try to forget the fact we aren't at a party.

A handsome waiter smiles at me and walks us to are table.

"What would you lady's like to drink?" He asks still looking at me.

I gotta say I do like the attention.

"2 waters." Adrian answers for me.
He comes back later with the waters and I thank him.

"Are you excited for the wedding?" I ask Adrian who is looking down at her water.

"I'm excited for my new life!"

I smile at her because even though I'm drunk I know that this is probably the best time in her life.

The waiter comes back with 2 muffins and sets one down in front of me.

"My names max." He says smiling.

"And my names Amy."

"I'm sorry I need to go!" Adrian says getting up.

"See you tomorrow." She says waving goodbye.

"Could I join you?" Max asks gesturing towards Adrian's spot.

"Of course."

He sits down and looks at me smiling.
"Tell me about yourself."

"What?" I ask.

"Well we're are you from?"

"I'm from California, I lived here but then I moved back."

"You?" I ask him who is looking at me amazed.

"New York from the start, but I used to live in a foster home until I could finally move out."

"That's cool." I say smiling.

I think I finally found my distraction.

A/N ohh I had to add a new character. 5 more chapters left until.... I finally decide the sequel :)
I have it all planned out, how do you like this new Max character?

Longer chapter today because I felt like writing.

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