Chapter 39

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"Hey Amy." Ricky whispers as I sit on the opposite side of the couch as him.
"Hey Ricky." He sighs and looks down at his feet.

"There's something I have been wanting to tell you." He says just loud enough for me to hear "I've been working with clementine."

I try to hold in the tears that are threatening to come out. I don't know the whole story so I can't get to worked up now. "Doing what?" I demand standing up. "She was being my therapist!"
This time I'm the one sighing "why didn't you tell me?" I ask.

"Because I knew you wouldn't let me!" He screams "you don't like her because you get so jealous."

Tears start streaming down my face "maybe I wouldn't have been so jealous if you didn't sleep with all those girls!"

I run upstairs and fall down to my bed.
What happened to him changing? I thought I changed him. Maybe I just made it worse. He was only with me for John and I'm gonna have to realize that might never change.

5 weeks later

That night I couldn't sleep, honestly I barley ate the upcoming week.
Me and Ricky barley talked, but we did figure that we were over.
John hasn't asked any questions which is very good because I don't want to explain it again.

I'm still going to college, today I have to present my miracle paper in front of the class and an extra one. They didn't say who yet. I'm very nervous I had to change the whole paper but I don't think I could have managed to read one about Ricky.

"Ready to go?" I ask John who is now putting his shoes on.
He doesn't answer until he is done "now I'm ready."

He has been doing that a lot lately, it has actually cheered me up surprisingly.

I take his hand and we walk out to the car, it's really nice out today and the sun is shinning down on us.

I help John get buckled up and then I we drive over to Dairy Queen.
"What would you like John?" I ask as we get to the front of the line. "A chocolate cone!" He says jumping up and down. I laugh but order it for him anyways.
We step back to wait for the food when I'm done ordering.

After it's done John runs up and grabs it so we sit down at a table.

"Why aren't you and daddy talking very much?" He asks looking down at the ground.

I did not want to have to go and explain it to him but now I'm forced to.

Ricky POV

Amy went upstairs to eat tonight so now it's just me and John. He doesn't talk the whole time which is very unusual for him. He is always asking about my day and wanting to explain about his. For some reason I feel very hurt about it.

He gets up and puts his dishes in the sink and walks away.
"What about the airplane ride?" I ask trying to hide the hurt I feel. "I don't want one tonight" he runs upstairs and goes into his room.

I just sit her lost in thought, my whole family is falling apart. Amy probably hates me, I probably would hat myself. John is totally ignoring me. I miss the way everything was in the past when we were just one happy family.

I totally ruined everything, why do I do everything wrong. Clementine just made me laugh she brought back some of the good in my past.

Amy though, she changed my future she changed the way I think about things. She made me a better person. That is way better then anything I could ask for.

I should talk to her but I just don't know how, maybe I will later this week. Right now I will just have to deal with the silence between us.

I force myself to get up and go to Johns room. He is just laying down on his bed staring at the celling. That's something I used to do as a kid when I was upset.

"Hey buddy" I say sitting down next to him on his bed.
"Hey" he turns his body so he isn't facing me. "Look, I love you so much and you can tell me anything, so what's wrong?" I ask putting my hand down on his. "I want you and mommy back together!" He screams.

Seriously, Amy must have told him. "How did you know?" He looks down at his hands "I asked mommy why you guys weren't talking as much, she said you guys took a break and you didn't love each other anymore."

Now I feel terrible a tear streams down his face, I didn't think it would effect him this much. "We just need time" I tell him "I promise things will be better soon." He smiles a little and I put him to bed. "Goodnight" I s at kissing the top of his head.

I don't feel like talking to Amy right now and I know she probably feels the same.


I wake up to the sound of the door closing, Ricky must have took John today. On weekends lately it's whoever gets him first.
I get up and just put on a blue tank top and some jean shorts.

I then put my hair up into a high pony tail. After that I go downstairs put on some shoes and drive to the library.
I honestly don't even know why I'm just really bored.

I go inside and walk back over to adult books.
After about 5 minutes of looking someone comes next to me.
"You like reading?" The person asks. "No, not really" I say turning around to face the person.

He has long brown hair and he is actually really good looking. I smile at him and he returns the smile.
"I'm just trying to pass time, I get really bored."
He looks into my eyes "same here, do you want to come with me and go bowling."

I don't know what to say I don't even know this person and I might go bowling with him?

"Sure!" I blurt out. He smiles and he walks me out to his car.


"I really like you" he says facing me, "watch the road!" I scream.
That's all I get out before all I see is black.

Ricky POV

Today I wake up with a huge smile on my face. Im going to get John to forgive me.

I change into some jeans and a tee shirt and go and wake up John. He gets up and changes also, finally we leave.

On the way to the bowling alley I get a text from clementine.

C- we really need to talk, meet me at my house.

"Little change in plans" I tell John "we will go to the bowling alley in 20 minutes."

I hear him mumble a little bit but this might be an emergency.


"I love you Ricky" she says grabbing my hand "I always have." The last 5 minutes she has just been trying to talk me into why I should be with her.
It's a waste of time and I now realize I should be with Amy.

I push her away but my phone starts to ring.


"Hi, your girlfriend Amy got in a car accident"

That's all I hear before I fall to my knees and cry really hard.

~ A/N ~ Extra long chapter for 8k reads, thank you so much!

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