Chapter 1 Unkown Caller ID

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3rd POV:

It was a normal day at Aldera Middle School, Bakugou was minding his own business until he was interrupted by Izuku or what he likes to call him 'Deku'
And his mumbling.

Katsuki: Can't you ever shut up Deku?!

Deku: Eh?! S-Sorry Kacchan..

Katsuki: You better be nerd!

Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan. Katsuki hated that nickname. Only because Izuku gave it to him. He doesn't really like Izuku one bit, always stealing his attention away from him. Whenever Aunty Inko comes over with Izuku, Katsuki's mom never pays attention to him what so ever and she becomes aggressive and mean to him. Which is never really new, but it's usually more aggression and meaness than usual.

Katsuki's POV:

Ugh, this damn nerd! He never stops mumbling!

Katsuki: Can't you ever shut up Deku?!

Izuku: Eh?! S-Sorry kacchan..

Katsuki: You better be nerd!

I hate that stupid nickname, why did you have to mess up my fucking name when we were little! At least your name is worse than mine! Heh, Deku, the useless nerd!.. hmph! When is class gonna be over so I can get away from this annoying nerd.

~After class~

Hah~ class is done! Finally, I can go ho-

Izuku: Kacchan! Aunt Mitsuki said I can walk home with you today, as I'm coming over today!

Katsuki: Tch! No way am I walking around with a useless nerd! I'm not even heading home! So go by yourself weirdo.

Izuku: o-oh right Kacchan..

Ugh, his ugly ass thought I would walk home with him.. pathetic! I'm going to the roof top of the abandoned building near the school, so I can get fresh air.

3rd POV:

And just like Katsuki said, he heads to the roof top and sits near the edge like always. He thinks it gets better air circulation in his lungs... whatever that means.

Katsuki's POV:

This feels very nice... it doesn't smell like nerd up here. You may ask,'Isn't that weird to know how someone you despise smells?' No, no, it isn't. Considering he sits behind me, it at least shouldn't be weird! Anyways.. huh, my phone is ringing...

3rd POV:

In the middle of Katsuki's deep thoughts, his phone started ringing, and it says,'Caller ID: Unkown'. Despite it saying that he answers thinking it might be someone he knows but to his surprise he didn't.

Katsuki: Hello?

???: Dad, Papa set the kitchen on fire!

Katsuki: uhm, who is this?

???: Don't be silly, dad. It's me, Hitoshi! Now stop playing and come back to the house!

Katsuki: I'm not your dad.. who is this?

Hitoshi: Huh? I guess you're not.. sorry, wrong number bye!

And at that, Hitoshi hangs up. Katsuki looks at his phone dumbfounded and texts the number.

Katsuki TXT: Uhm, I hope your dad comes back soon and helps you with that fire situation..


Katsuki TXT: Type faster, goddammit 😒

Hitoshi TXT: Yeah, my dad came back.. but you could've at least helped me on the phone too! You could've let my apartment burn down! 💀 how rude.

Katsuki TXT: Well, I'm sorry that I'm 14, and I was never taught how to put one out. 🤷

Hitoshi TXT: HAH! You gave out personal information to a hacker.. Imagine that.. 😆

Katsuki TXT: well shit. 🤷

??? Changed your name to Hacker

Hacker: Hey! Do you wanna play dirty?

Hacker changed your name to

Victim: HEY! Why that name?!

Hacker: Because you're a victim to my hacking.

Victim: True.. 😭

Hacker: Exactly dumbass.. 🤷

Victim: So what now..

Hacker: Idk lol wyd?

Victim: sitting on a rooftop, wbu?

Hacker: Watching my dad's fight. Why are you sitting on a rooftop? Are you depressed and trying to commit?

Victim: I wish.

Hacker: emo.

Hacker changed your name to Emo

Emo: Hey! That's not fair.

Hacker: Life's not fair 😒

Emo: True.

Hacker: So what's your name?

Emo: I'm not disclosing any information to a hacker!

Hacker: I hope you know im not actually one..?

Emo: I know. It's just your new nickname, lol. But seriously, I don't disclose information to strangers.

Hacker: Fine be that way, but just so you know, I'm also 14. Now, let's not disclose any more personal information and stay unknown to each other. I'm making it a little fun, and we can be online friends.

Emo: bet! Also, let's never talk on the phone again. You sound ugly screaming.

Hacker: Thanks, emo! N E ways.. I don't like your raspy voice either!

Emo: ok? 💀

Hacker: I'm just returning the favor. Love 😄

Emo: Never call me that again. Anyway I have to go. So I guess I'll talk to you later weirdo.

Emo is offline.

Hacker: Right, love, bye!

Hacker is offline.

Katsuki's POV:

What a weirdo.. they seem cool. Sometimes, being weird is cool, I guess.. well, it's nice having someone with the same humor, I guess.

3rd pov:

With thinking about that random person, he looks down and starts feeling a bit sad and starts thinking about some things..

Katsuki's POV:

Hm.. it doesn't look that far down.. I could survive if I jump.. but if I didn't survive, would anyone even miss me.. like mom even care.. she doesn't even seem to care about me as it is, so probably not.

NO DUMBY! Why would you think about that?! You dumb bitch. Ugh I need to head home.

3rd POV:

With that he starts walking home because his thoughts are overwhelming him.

Katsuki: tch.. stupid head.

After a few minutes of walking he arrives to his house and walks in.

Mistuki: where have you been brat?! You were supposed to walk home with Izuku!

Katsuki: I was busy studying with friends ma!

Mistuki: why didn't you invite Izuku than?

Katsuki: because I didn't think about that.. sorry Ma

Mistuki: You better be brat! Now apologize to Izuku! Now!

Izuku: Aunt mistuki! It's alright! I have my own study group Anyways! Plus he doesn't always have to be with me anyways.

Mistuki: oh, well alright than Izuku if you say so.. BRAT! Go wash up for dinner!

Katsuki: yes ma.

~End of the chapter! ~
Hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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