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Before u start reading I just wanna say that English is not my first language and I am not the best a making a good plot.
So if ANY of u have an idea please do comment.

Hope u enjoy <3



I was sitting in my room in complete silence, listening to the whooshing sound of wind outside of my window. I had just gotten back from school after my math teacher gave me a scolding lecture of not doing his homework on time. I stood up with a sigh and started to change out of my very uncomfortable school uniform.

I changed into an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I then sat down in a chair next to my desk where my computer was and put on a show that I had started not a long while ago.

Just as I had gotten merged into the show, my mom knocked on the door and welcomed herself in.

"Y/n, I need you to go buy groceries for me." She said in a soft yet stern voice.

"But mom, I just got back from school. Why don't you ask Akito to do it." I responded with an exscuse.

"He's still far to young to go out by himself. Just do as I tell you and get a move on, I left the list on the kitchen counter." She said in a more stern voice while walking away from the door.

"So much for binge watching a show." I mumbled in a low tone to myself.

I stood up from my chair with a slouched form and went to the kitchen to get the list that my mom wrote. I put it in my pocket and walked to the front door. I put on my shoes and finally went out.

'Nice weather' I thought to myself while walking.

I walked to the store without thinking, because at this point it was a muscle memory. The store I was walking to was on the other side of Shibuya Crossing.

While walking over to the other side, I saw a very tall guy. Or so I thought until I saw that he was on top of another guys shoulders spinning. Shaking my head I look back infront of me.

I was on the other side of the crossing when I heard a bunch of 'boom' sounds. I looked up and saw that they were fireworks. Being confused, I took out my phone to look at the calender, but there was no important event today. Now losing interest, I turned my head away from the fireworks and went into the store, only to be welcomed by darkness.

Flustered, I looked around me. But, there was nobody in sight. I hastly walked out of the store only to be welcomed by darkness yet again.

'How could that make sense? When I first went out it was mid afternoon.'

"Hello?" Was the first thing I said after regaining my voice.

I get that in the past I thought of scenerios of being the only one on earth, but it was much diffrent to what I had imagined. It feels too lonely. I couldn't decide whether I should try finding other people or if I should just stay in the area I'm in.

'Oh well.' I thought as I started walking away. Only to be greatly startled by a sudden lit screen.



'Game? What type of sketchy event is this?' I thought, confused.


Turning around, I saw a lit area from where I was standing. Skeptical, I started walking to the lit area. It was kind of close to where I was, so there was no need to hurry. Well, I was just hesitant and lazy to be exact.

The Older BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now