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I sat down at my desk as I vigorously typed out a chapter of my 'work in progress' book. I had fallen really behind on it and needed to get through some of this chapter. If I was ever going to become a journalist, I had to start here.  

I heard our door unlock as Jonah came home from work. We had been dating for a little over a month now, and we decided he should move in with me. My house had plenty of room for both of us, and now that it was fully mine and fully renovated, we could make it ours.  I glanced up from the document on my screen to see the tall boy in front of me, with two coffees stuffed in one arm, and two bags from the bakery in the other. I got up to give him some assistance with his load of food. I grabbed one coffee from his hand and one croissant from his other hand. I lightly pressed my lips to his cheek and sat back down. 

"Well this is a surprise!" I said as I got comfortable in my chair. 

"I got you a croissant, your favorite. I ended work a little early so I stopped by Nana's." I squealed in excitement as I opened the bag and found the smell of fresh croissants. He snickered at me as he sat beside me and opened his pastry bag. "So I see that you're finally working on your book again?" He gestured to my open laptop. 

"Yeah, finally, I'm really behind." I said as I took a big bite of my croissant. He turned the laptop towards him and began to skim the page, his eyes darting back and forth as he read the lines. A grin broke out on his face as he neared the end of my progress. 

"This is really great, love." He gave me my laptop back. "You should really try to get a position in the local paper, especially if you want to be a big journalist. Wouldn't that help you book an interview with bigger papers?" I thought about his proposal for a while. 

"Do people even still read the paper here?" Most news journals were online in bigger towns, but I wasn't sure that this town had an online paper. 

"There are a lot of old people in this town, trust me. A lot of people read the newspaper here." He took a long sip of his coffee. 

"Then that sounds like a great opportunity. Where are they located?" Out of all of Jonah and I'd walks together, I had never once passed a newspaper outlet. 

"They are kind of on the other side of town, It would be better to drive." I barely used my car as it is, a lot of the places I needed to go were within walking distance. If I did need to drive, Jonah would drive me, before he moved in of course.  

"Could you drive me? If I could get an interview."

"You really don't need an interview, if we walked in today, they would have time to talk to you. My close friend, Jameson works there, so he could get you in for sure.  I say that we go in a few hours, if you are ready?" I slammed my laptop in excitement. I had never even had the opportunity or chance to work for a journal, so even getting an interview was very exciting. This could be a bridge to bigger opportunities. I nodded in approval and got up to sling over him in a hug. He held me close and tight. Our hugs were special, never too short, never too long. Just right. 


I settled myself into Jonah's car. I put my bag down beneath my feet, with my laptop, a printed out resume and my phone. Jonah got into the drivers seat and started the car. The car rumbled and I closed my door. 

"Ready?" He asked me as he clicked his seatbelt into place. I nodded and turned on the car radio. I connected my phone via bluetooth and played my favorite artist, Laufey. I played "From the Start." as I slouched down in my seat. We exited my driveway and took the small journey into town. We passed every store on the Main Street and hit a red light right near Nana's bakery. I looked out the window and saw none other than Callie sitting on an outside table near the bakery.  She was alone, for once.  

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒, 𝐉.𝐇.𝐊Where stories live. Discover now