Camp out Confession (Bustershipping)

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Sorry this has been left unattended for a while, but I had no idea what else I wanted to write in this collection. I was trying to come up with a story for Amourshipping, but then I came up with this instead. Honestly, I think that Bustershipping is criminally underrated. I'm not joking, including this one, there are only two fics on this site about Bustershipping, which is insane! So, I've decided to add to it, which is why you'll also be seeing a lot of this ship in this collection. Anyway, I've been rambling for too long, so I'll shut up and allow you to read this story. (Btw, as a warning, this chapter contains internalised homophobia)

When Iris first met Georgia, she found her to be egotistical, loud, and overall rather annoying. She'd constantly go on about how she is "The Dragon Buster" and will defeat any trainer from the Village of Dragons, and she'd challenge Iris to a battle any chance she got. To put it simply, early on in their rivalry, Georgia drove Iris crazy.

However, as the time past and they got to know each other better, that annoyance began to decrease. Soon, their bitter rivalry began to thaw, and a friendship blossomed between the two. They still had their spats, and Georgia would still poke fun at Iris's fear of ice types on occasion, but overall, both considered the other to be a great friend.

But, over the next 2 years, Iris began to notice something strange happening to her whenever Georgia was around. Whenever the two hung out, which became more and more infrequent due to Iris's obligations as the Unova Champion, Iris began to notice a warm feeling whenever Georgia got particularly close. Her heart would begin to quicken whenever Georgia complimented her, and she even found herself feeling rather happy at the mere thought of the girl. 

At first, Iris couldn't make any sense out of these feelings. So, she decided to ask one of Ash's old travelling companions, Brock. Brock had recently become a pokémon doctor, so Iris hoped he'd know enough about humans to explain what was wrong with her. When the two met up in a park in Pewter City, Iris explained to him what was happening to her. When she was finished, he thought about what she told him for not even a full minute before asking, "Who are you with whenever these occur?"

Iris stared at him. "Georgia," she replied, feeling her face beginning to heat up at the mere mention of her name. "But I don't see what that has to do with this!" At this, Brock smirked. "Now, I'm not an expert on human anatomy," he told her. "But I am an expert on love! And what you just described to me Iris is called a crush." Iris's jaw dropped. No, Brock had to be mistaken. There was no way she could have a crush on Georgia. Yes, her and Georgia's relationship had thawed considerably, but surely not that much. 

"I'm sorry Brock," she said. "But you have to be wrong." Brock looked confused. "Why so?" he asked. "Well," Iris replied. "For one thing, we were rivals for ages. Sure, our relationship thawed over the years, but it can't have been by that much. And for another, we're both girls." At this, Brock was really confused. "What's wrong with that?" he asked. Iris stared at him. "Girls are supposed to like boys," she explained, as though it was obvious. "I'm a girl. I can't like another girl! It's wrong." Iris began to tear up slightly, so she quickly wiped her eyes and hoped Brock didn't notice.

Unfortunately for her, he did. "Where did you hear that?" he asked. Iris looked at him, and saw pity in his eyes. "The Village of Dragons," she replied. "It's something that was drilled into us from a young age." Brock shook his head at this. "That is an outdated claim," he told her sympathetically. "People can love whoever they like. Regardless of gender. If you love Georgia, I think you should tell her." Iris blushed at the thought. "But what if she doesn't feel the same, and it ruins our friendship?" Brock smiled at this. "I doubt it will," he said. "And I think you'll be surprised."

Iris spent the next few weeks thinking about what Brock said. At first, she tried to shut those thoughts out, remembering all of the things she was told about gay relationships, and how wrong they were. But as time went on, and she began to think more about the idea, she began to find it more appealing. She began to fantasise about going on dates with Georgia, and holding her hand. But, consequently, she grew a lot more nervous and jumpy around Georgia. She blushed far more easily, and her heart rate increased whenever she spoke with her.

Eventually, this all boiled over when she and Georgia ended up camping out together. They had run into each other earlier in the day and found out that they were heading to the same place, so they decided to travel together. Now, it had become night time, so they decided to set up camp. They talked for a while, with Iris feeling incredibly nervous about talking with her crush. But eventually, they grew tired, so they put their fire out and went to sleep. At least, Georgia did. As it turned out, neither of them had a tent, since Iris was accustomed to staying in hotels due to her being the champion, and Georgia's had been destroyed a few days prior. Luckily for them it wasn't going to rain that day. But, unfortunately for Iris, it meant that the two of them were sleeping very close to each other under the stars.

The very idea of this made the Butterfree in Iris's stomach to go haywire. She tossed and turned in her sleeping bag, trying to fall asleep, but the fact that her crush was so close to her drove her crazy. Eventually, she came to a decision. She figured that if she let her secret out while Georgia was asleep, and therefore couldn't hear her, she'd be able to stop feeling so nervous around her. So, Iris sat up and looked at Georgia's sleeping frame. "I've got something I've been keeping secret from you," she whispered, glad that Georgia couldn't hear her. "I recently figured out that I've developed a crush on you. I think you're very pretty, and really awesome, and I don't care that we're both girls. I recently learned that that doesn't matter. But I know you don't feel the same way, which is why I'm saying it while you sleep."

But, little did Iris know, Georgia wasn't asleep. Like Iris, Georgia had also been feeling weird things about the Dragon Master. And after talking with a friend, she figured out that she had fallen for her. But, unlike Iris, she was never taught about gay relationships being wrong. However, she quickly learnt that The Village of Dragons didn't take too kindly to lgbt people, so she kept her feelings to herself, afraid of losing Iris should she confess. During the night, she couldn't sleep either, too nervous about sleeping next to her crush to sleep. So, when she heard Iris spill her secret, she couldn't believe it.

When Iris had finished her confession, Georgia sat up. Iris went beat red and her jaw dropped. "This isn't a dream is it?" Georgia asked. Iris was confused. "No?" she replied. "This is real." Georgia smiled at her. "So," she asked nervously. "Did you mean what you said?" Iris stared at Georgia nervously. She could try to deny it, but she knew she sounded way too honest to back out now. So, she swallowed her nerves, and said, "Yes. I meant it. I like you Georgia and I want to go out with you. But I understand that you don't feel the same so how about... oof!" 

Iris's rambling was interrupted by Georgia tackling her into a hug. "I don't... what... huh?" she rambled, blushing furiously. Georgia laughed. "I like you too you doofus." she replied. Iris's confused panic turned to happiness very quickly. "Now, I'm not sure if this is a dream or not" she said. Georgia laughed again. "Don't worry," she replied. "It's not." Iris smiled at that and returned the hug. The two remained like that for a while, before falling asleep in each other's arms.

Hopefully you all liked that one, at least those of you who read it, because if some of you are like me you probably skips the one-shots that you don't ship. Sorry this took so long to write, but I've been busy with college and two other ficus over on Ao3 and Now, I promise you this, the next one will be Amourshipping. I'll write it as soon as I have a plan for it. I just wrote this because I already used the idea in another fic, and just expanded upon it for this book. But anyway, Ill see you all around whenever I write the next chapter.

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