Wedding Day (AquariumPlantShipping)

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This is the second request that Flameriser18 gave me, sorry that it's a few months late. As it turns out, weddings are a lot more difficult to write than they look! Truthfully, I've never been to one before, so the only things I've seen from weddings are photos of my parents' wedding, and scenes from films, and films tend to only show the fucking tail end of the ceremony and focus more on the party afterword. Couple all of these problems with the fact that I am asexual, and it's no surprise that this was fucking hard. But I said I'd do this, so I did, but please don't request anymore weddings, because I'll just end up copying this shot and no one needs that.

Mallow paced around the room, a total nervous wreck. In just a few moments, she'd be getting married to the most amazing woman in all the world. The two had been dating for 10 years when Mallow finally worked up the courage to propose. She did it on an evening walk near a lake that was a popular fishing spot in Alola. Lana loved that lake, so Mallow felt it was the perfect spot to pop the question. As it turned out, the two women were on the same wavelength, and ended up proposing at the exact same time. The two then proceeded to vigorously plan out their wedding. What the theme should be, who they'd invite, where it'll be held, and what'll be on the menu. 

They settled on a underwater theme, particularly the bottom of the sea since that combined Lana's love of water with Mallow's love of plants. They decided it'll be a small ceremony with just their friends and family, absolutely no reporters allowed. There were a few groups of people who disapproved of their relationship, so allowing reporters to record the wedding would essentially be them asking to be hit by a shit storm. They decided the venue would be the pokémon school where they met. Professor Kukui was all to happy to allow them to use it. And finally, the catering would be handled by Mallow's family, who were all too happy to do so.

Truly, everything was perfect. So why was Mallow so nervous? Her maid of honour Lillie tried her best to calm her down. "It'll be perfect," she assured her. "There's nothing to worry about. You're going to go up there and wait for your soon-to-be wife to come down the aisle, you'll say your vows and I dos, then you'll be married! What is there to worry about?" Mallow smiled at Lillie's words of encouragement. "Thanks Lillie," she said, hugging her friend tightly. "I think I'm ready now." "You'd better be," Lillie replied. "Because I did not spend an extortionate amount on this dress just for you to get cold feet! Now get out there and wait for your bride!"

Mallow laughed and walked down the aisle, taking calming breaths as she did so. Everyone stood to admire her in her sea green suit that matched her long flowing hair. She reached the stand (No idea what that's actually called) and stood there beside Hau, the island Kahuna, waiting for her bride to come through those doors. Hau had taken over as Kahuna of Melemele island the year before, and was going to be the one who married the two women. Mallow's heart was pounding as the moment approached. Despite Lillie's words, she still felt quite worried.

Unbeknownst to her, Lana was also feeling very worried. She kept fixing her hair and makeup, and straightening her deep blue dress over and over again. "Careful," her mother joked, "If you keep straightening that dress it may rub off on you." Once Lana figured out what her mother meant by that, she went red and slapped her arm. "Now's not the time to joke like that!" she snapped. "I'm already nervous enough as is." "I can't understand why you are though?" asked her mother. "You love her don't you?" Lana nodded. "And she loves you doesn't she?" Another nod. "Well, I can't see how this night could go other than you two being lawfully wedded wives by the end of it." Lana couldn't help but smile at that. "Thanks mum" she said, before pulling her into a hug. At that moment, the organ began playing again. Lana took a deep breath, then walked through the doors. 

When Lana walked through those doors, Mallow's brain momentarily stopped working. She looked so stunning in her dress that Mallow almost had a nosebleed all over her suit. Lana's younger sisters led the way down the aisle, throwing down flowers as they walked. Lana walked arm in arm with her mother down the aisle, before coming to a stop in front of Mallow. She wished her daughter luck, then took her seat. "You look stunning" Mallow whispered as the ceremony began. Lana blushed. "So do you" she replied, causing Mallow to blush as well. Hau read the ceremony, then the pair exchanged vows (No idea what you're supposed to say during those so I skipped them). At last, it came down to the big question. "Do you Mallow Mao, take Lana Suiren as your lawfully wedded wife?" Hau asked. "I do" Mallow replied. Hau nodded, then turned to Lana. "And do you Lana Suiren, take Mallow Mao as your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do" Lana replied. Hau smiled. "Then by the power vested in me by Tapu-Koko, I now pronounce you wife and wife, you may now kiss." 

The two had already locked lips before Hau had finished speaking. The crowd cheered for the pair as they did. After that, the rest of the night went by in a blur. Lana had thrown the bouquet, and Lillie was the one who caught it. No one missed the way her eyes darted to Elio when she did, who went a bit red at the thought. There was dancing and food and cake to be had, but Mallow wasn't really paying any attention to any of that. She was far to focused being beside her new wife, and couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with her. Eventually, the pair climbed onto a Charizard that had a "Just Married" sign draped over it. Judging by the burns that Kiawe was helping Ash and Goh nurse, that must've been a painstaking job. Mallow thanked the three men before hopping onto the Charizard. She helped Lana up onto it, then the pair flew off. As they flew, Mallow enjoyed the feeling of Lana clinging tightly to her back, especially knowing that the two of them were officially life partners forever.

I'll be honest I'm not proud of that one. It's messy, and you can probably tell I was talking out of my arse a good bit during it. But still, I hope you got even a small bit of enjoyment out of that. I left out a good bit of things I've seen in other fanfics that contain weddings since I didn't know how to write those properly. Anyway, if you would like to request anything, do so in the comments. Just please don't request anything remotely kinky or nsfw, because I get very uncomfortable reading those. Also don't ask for weddings, as you've just seen. Other than that, have at it, and I'll see you all next time

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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