Beach Day Picnic (AquariumPlantShipping)

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This one is actually a request. Yay, I have my first one! Anyway, this was a request from @flameriser18. They requested that I do a short story about Mallow and Lana having a picnic on the beach. Fun fact: I spent roughly 20 minutes on Google trying to find the damn ship name lol! Now, this one may end up being a wee bit cheesy and clichéd, but my writing is better suited for angst than fluff, but I don't want to add any into this. Please excuse the terrible bad writing. Anyway, on with the fic.

Mallow paced around the room nervously. She was in her kitchen, preparing some food for a small picnic. She had everything packed up and ready to go, now all she needed to do was meet up with Lana on the beach. But the thought of the two of them alone on the beach was making her incredibly nervous. For ages now, whenever she's been around the blue-haired girl, her heart had begun to quicken. Butterfree would dance in her stomach, and she started stuttering her words. At first, she thought nothing of it, but after a while, it began to build more and more the more she interacted with her classmate. Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore, and went to talk to her other friends about it.

She went to each of her classmates, and even spoke with Kukui about the Butterfree and the flipping heart. And to her surprise, they all said the same thing. "You have a crush." At first, Mallow denied it, thinking that it was impossible for her to have a crush on Lana. But, when they were both 16, she watched her train with her Primarina by the lake, and felt entranced by the sight of her, and the way the water crashed over her body, Mallow realised that her friends were right. So, she hatched a small plan to tell Lana about how she felt. She invited her for a picnic on the beach, and they arranged to do it over the weekend. Now, the day had arrived, and she was feeling really nervous. All the negative what-ifs began dancing around her head, but she determinedly ignored them, grabbed the bags, and made her way to their arranged meeting spot.

To say Lana was nervous about the meet-up would be a huge understatement. She's had a major crush on Mallow for a long time now, but unlike her was actually able to tell what it was all on her own. However, she was always too scared to say anything. She didn't want to lose Mallow as a friend, or worse, make her hate her. So she always kept her feelings to herself. So, when Mallow approached her one day after class to invite her for a beach picnic, Lana nearly had a heart attack. Making sure Mallow couldn't see how red her face had become, she agreed to meet up with her. The embarrassing thing for Lana was, whenever she blushed, she blushed hard. Her whole face would go as red as a tomato, and practically start glowing, much to the amusement of her younger sisters.

In fact, when those two found out that she was meeting up with Mallow, they teased her mercilessly about her crush, until she threatened to set Primarina on them if they didn't shut up. She left the two in a hurry, making sure to bring her swimsuit with her should she decide to go for  dip. Now, she was standing around the meet up spot, wondering where Mallow was. Eventually, she saw her green-haired crush running up to her, dressed in her own swimsuit. This sight almost caused Lana's nose to bleed. Mallow ran up to Lana, carrying two large bags, one full of her stuff, and the other with the food. (If you're looking for fan service, you sure as Hell aren't going to find it here) 

The two wandered the beach for a few minutes, before finally finding a good spot to leave their stuff. Eventually, they found one near the water and laid everything out. Mallow rummaged through her bag before pulling out the food she'd made. Lana always loved Mallow's food, although she couldn't tell if it was because of Mallow's skill or Lana's crush that made it taste so good. They sat around silently for a while, eating their way through the stuff Mallow made. Throughout these silent moments, Mallow stopped eating to try to tell Lana how she felt, but the words would always catch in her throat. Lana meanwhile, was doing her bet not to have a full on bi panic attack at being so close to Mallow and no one else.

Eventually, Lana had enough of the awkwardness, so once she finished eating, she stood up. Mallow panicked, thinking she wanted to leave, but Lana reassured her by saying, "I'm going to go and get changed. I feel like going for a swim." Then, she pulled out her swimsuit and headed off to the changing room. Mallow sat around nervously, the mere thought of Lana in a swimsuit giving her her own lesbian panic attack. And when Lana returned, the sight of her caused a blood vessel to pop in her nose. Lana didn't notice and left her stuff with Mallow, before heading into the water. Mallow cursed her gayness and managed to get her nose bleed under control.

However, unbeknownst to Mallow, the sight of her panic had been noticed by Lana. As she swam around with Primarina, she began to be filled with hope. Maybe she had a chance with Mallow after all. She began to contemplate asking her friend out when she got out of the water. Primarina noticed her inner thoughts and began to encourage her. "You really think it'll work?" she asked the pokémon. Primarina nodded vigorously, causing Lana to laugh. "Should I try today?" Primarina nodded again. Lana smiled. "Ok, I'll do it! Thanks buddy!" She gave the pokémon a big hug, then returned them to their ball and got out of the water. 

Mallow had been daydreaming about her confession by the time Lana had returned. Looking up at her crush, she admired how nice she looked when she was wet. "Wow she looks pretty!" she thought to herself. But when she saw Lana go scarlet, she realised that she had said that out loud. She wanted to backtrack, but before she could, Lana stuttered, "D-d-do you really think so?" It was Mallow's turn to go bright red. But still, she had come this far, might as well finish it. "I-I-I do," she stuttered. "I think you're the prettiest girl in the world!" Lana went even redder at that, if that was at all possible. Now with more confidence, Mallow felt ready to finally go through with her plan. She opened her mouth to confess, and-

"I like you!" They both said at the same time. "Will you go out with me?" The two of them gasped as they realised that they had spoken at the same time. They started to laugh at that, then said, once again simultaneously, "Yes, I would love to!" Then, they wrapped each other in a hug, and laid back down on their beach towels. "You know," said Mallow, "I made something else, just in case I actually managed to go through with my confession." Lana beamed at her. "What is it?" she asked. "Although, anything you make is amazing." Mallow blushed at that, and pulled out a box of malasadas. Lana beamed wider at that, and the two tucked in, enjoying the view out to the ocean as the sun was beginning to set. As they watched, their hands found each other, and clasped each other tightly.

I hope that was to your liking @flameriser18, and thanks for my first request. I've always loved one-shots about two people dancing around their feelings for each other. I just think it's really funny and sweet. If anyone else has any requests, you can make them and, depending on whether or not I like the ship, I'll do it. I'll post a list of my ships next chapter to make things easier. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next time (maybe).

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