Chapter 7 ~ the morning after ~

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Ian sat on an old bench at the side of the cottage thinking about the night before. It had been an awesome day yesterday even though this team had lost the match. The karaoke had been the highlight of the day and he, Andy, Champ and Kan had stolen the show once again with their renditions of several old favorites, the guests and even the staff had gone wild.

He hadn't been friends with Kan and Champ as long as Andy but over the past several months they had bonded and he had become an honorary member of their clique so when Kan and Andy visited the UK, they often went out either to their local with the rest of the lads or to town if Kiri and Lon came too.

They didn't like their men going too far afield without them, Ian had thought that Lon was possessive but Kiri could easily beat him though he had noticed that he'd settled down a bit since they had got married. It's not that he didn't trust Kan, he just couldn't stand to be separated from him, what was it he had said to Lon when he followed them to London that time?

"if it had been Kan who went away with another boy he wouldn't have been able to sit down for a week, maybe even two and that wouldn't have just been the result of a good spanking"

He knew because Lon had told Andy who had told him later and that had been the first time he had met Phikhuam properly after crushing on him for years but that's all it was, a silly crush ... wasn't it?

Last night when they had returned to the cottage with the security in tow as usual, Ian had helped his patient to wash up and then helped him to change into his night things before making some cocoa and administering some pain relief.

"you guys looked really great out there tonight Ian, did you have fun"

"I did, thank you Phikhuam but I feel as if I neglected my job today" Ian replied.

"your job being me" Phik' said.

"mmm but it would have sounded weird saying I'd neglected you, it sounds as if we're, you know ....." Ian added

"no not really? what do you mean?" Phik' queried.

"well, it sounds as if we're like, a couple or something" Ian said.

"that doesn't sound weird, I think it sounds nice" Phik' replied.

" I wish you would stop teasing me" Ian sighed.

"I wish you'd stop thinking I'm teasing" Phik' had said.

"if you're done with the cocoa I'll go and wash up myself" Ian had said taking the mugs across to the sink to wash then before making sure the cottage was secure.

Phikhuam thought it was highly amusing that Ian secured the cottage even though there were six security guards outside.

"yeah, and who's to say they are 100% trustworthy?" Ian had argued before adding,

"it's just habit"

"well I suppose it's not a bad habit to have" Phikhuam had to admit.

When Ian had come out of the bathroom he had once again climbed into bed beside Phik' and teetering on the edge, he was really missing his own bed and being able to spread out. Shuffling about a bit to try and get comfortable he heard Phikhuam speak.

"why don't you just move up here, you've been sleeping like that for days, I promise I won't bite" 

"alternatively, now your wrist is improving I could actually sleep on the sofa" Ian had said.

"I feel better with you in here with me" Phikhuam added.

"what did you do before?"

"my agent helped me to a degree but he slept in my spare room and I just didn't sleep" he admitted.

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