Chapter 8

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Natsu sat in the dark looking at pictures and videos on the lacrima his children had.

It hurt him even more now to know that he missed everything. When he first found out he had children and missed out on their lives completely he was hurt yes but thought it was karma for hurting Lucy. But now that he knows the truth he feels worse.

It filled him with rage to know that some dumb potion was strong enough to do this to him. He felt weak.

He stared at the picture that was taken right after the twin's birth. He focused on Lucy who was drenched in sweat and pale. She still looked beautiful. She had a tired smile on her face.

Then he looked at the two sleeping bundles in her arms. He looked up from the lacrima and at the beds where his children were sleeping peacefully.

"I should've been there"

He turned off the lacrima and walked to the balcony. He stared into the night sky trying to calm himself and his inner dragon.

Morning came and the twins were up, by that time Natsu was fast asleep on the couch.

They had processed what they found out the night before. They realized they no longer had a reason to hate their dad. It even occured to them that their parents could get together again.

They knew their parents still loved each other so it was very possible.

They got themselves ready not bothering to wake their father.

Once they were done they shook him awake telling him it was time to go to the guild.

Natsu was groggy but complied with what his children wanted.

He enters the guild with a child in each arm since they refused to walk wanting to be carried. Everyone who was present still had last night's events on their minds.

Natsu put his children down and walked to where the other parents were.

"Morning guys" He greeted. Everyone greeted him.

Gray and Gajeel stared at him expectantly.

"Why are looking at me like that?" Natsu asked.

They looked at each other, and turned back to look at him with a shrug. "Isn't there something you want to say to us pyro?" Gray asked.

Natsu looked confused.

"Maybe a 'thank you' perhaps?" Gajeel added.

Natsu still looked very confused, "What for?" he asked.

Gray and Gajeel looed visibly annoyed. "I don't know maybe for making sense of the last few years of your life" Gray scowled.

Natsu mouth formed an 'O' shape as he and everyone understood what the two men had been refering to.

"You're right, I do owe you guys thanks. Everything makes sense now, and you also stopped her from drugging me again, so thanks for that." He said grinning at them. The two men smiled back.

"Speaking of what happened," Erza began calling everyone's attention to her, even those not at their table. "I would like to apologize for the way we treated you. We blamed you for Lucy's disappearance, and now we know it wasn't your fault," she finished.

"Thanks, but you don't need to apologize; I deserve every bit of your anger. I shouldn't have been weak enough to be affected by that damn potion." Natsu said, clenching his fist.

That's when they saw just how angry he was with himself.

Gray patted his shoulder "Don't beat yourself up about it too much. From what you told us it didn't take long to start wearing off," he said, hoping to provide some comfort.

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