Call me yours

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I'm back where I started

In my seat, trembling uncontrollably. My eye throbs with a deep shade of black.

The entire room is filled with a cacophony of laughter, as everyone huddles around their phones, finding amusement in my humiliation.

Their mocking gazes pierce through me.

A few hours later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, I found myself huddled behind the towering football bleachers.

With trembling hands, I delved into the depths of my pockets, desperately searching for that precious powder that had become my sacred remedy, my solace from the weight of the world.

But to my dismay, my pockets yielded nothing but disappointment - an empty bag, void of the magical substance that could heal me of all my worries.

"Damn it," I whispered into the stillness of the evening, frustration lacing my voice.

Peering cautiously from my hiding spot, I caught sight of Zach and Ken, blissfully engaged in their own world of football.

An idea sparked in my mind, and with a swift movement, I retrieved my phone from my pocket and composed a message to Zach.

As I hit send, I watched with bated breath as he momentarily paused in his game, his attention captured by the glowing screen in his hand.

Slowly, purposefully, he began to make his way towards me.

"Jules, I saw the video," he began, concern etched in every line of his face.

"It doesn't matter," I interrupted him abruptly, not wanting his sympathy. "Look, I need more. Can you help me out?"

A raised eyebrow and a quizzical expression greeted my desperate plea. "What happened to the bag I gave you last time?" Zach inquired, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and worry.

He looked at me, his gaze filled with a mixture of empathy and frustration, as he pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. "I don't feel comfortable, Julie... Please don't do this to yourself."

I hissed, my patience waning, as I snapped back, "Save your 'Don't do drugs' speech, okay? Are you going to get me some or not?" The tension hung heavy in the air as he averted his gaze, his silence speaking volumes.

"Fine," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'll be back." He walked away, and my eyes instinctively followed him as he approached Ken.

They exchanged words, and I watched as he took something from Ken's hand. He returned to me, his hand extended, placing the drugs into my trembling palm.

"This is the last time," he warned, his voice laced with a mix of concern and determination, before he turned and walked away.

I sat down, my heart pounding in my chest, and quickly sniffed the drugs. The world around me seemed to blur as I closed my eyes, surrendering to the intoxicating bliss.

This was my escape, my heaven.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted my euphoria. I opened my eyes and saw a figure, a strange creature that seemed to embody both vampire and demon.

"Now you're doing stuff like this at school?" it spoke, its tone a mix of amusement and concern. "I knew you were naughty, but this is extreme." As I looked at it, I realized it appeared more human now, more real.

Perhaps it was because in my dreams, I had allowed it to have its way with me, even though it was only a figment of my imagination.

"But, I won't tell anyone," it continued, moving closer and crouching down in front of me.

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