Red eyes

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"He is real," I whisper hoarsely, my eyes darting around the stark white room, the blinding light overhead never dimming.

"I just have a hard life," I continue, my voice growing stronger with each word.

"But I suppose in their eyes, anyone who's been through what I have deserves to be locked up in this sterile prison."

With a shiver, I watch as the nurses enter the room, their footsteps echoing against the polished floors. They approach me with practiced ease, their gloved hands holding syringes that glint in the harsh light.

I brace myself as they inject me with the drugs, feeling my mind clouding over as they force the medicine into my veins. With a sigh, I slump back onto the bed, knowing that this is my reality now.

The nurses will come, day after day, to feed me and medicate me, their faces impassive as they go about their duties.

All the while, the bright white light never goes out, illuminating my sterile surroundings and reminding me of the life I have lost.

2 months earlier

I gazed at the man, taking in his captivating features. His eyes were a mesmerizing blend of sky blue and yellow, and his hair, a rich chocolate brown, was adorned with a light dusting of facial hair.

As he locked his cold, stone-like gaze with mine, everything around me seemed to fade away, leaving me staring straight into the depths of hell.

Then, my mom's voice shattered the silence, pulling me back to reality. "So, you've asked why I've been gone," she began, clinging to the man's arm as she spoke.

"And I wanted to tell you that I've met someone."

"Mom," I said, crossing my arms. "Him?"

"Julie, you said you wanted me to be happy, and he makes me happy," my mom replied, pouting like a child. I stared into her big, puppy dog eyes that drew men to her.

I walked up to the man holding onto my mom and extended my hand. "Hi, my name is Julie," I said. The man cracked a smile as he gripped my hand.

"I'm Mike," he said. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of your mom." He winked, and I awkwardly smiled before grabbing the rest of the groceries from the car and heading back into the house.

I had just finished putting away some of the groceries and began preparing the food. It felt like I had been in the kitchen for hours. Exhaustion was setting in, and I needed a break.

I stopped cooking and went outside to catch some fresh air. As I stepped out, a startling sight met my eyes. My mother was on her knees, and Mike was zipping up his pants. The shock caused me to shout out, "Mom!"

My mother quickly got up from her knees, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Oh geez, I'm sorry, Julie!" she spoke, clearly embarrassed.

I turned away, feeling uncomfortable. I did not need to see that intimate moment between my mother and her partner.


We all gathered around the dinner table, and my eyes were fixated on the juicy steak that sat before me.

The aroma wafting from the plate was so tantalizing that I couldn't help but salivate. Mike's voice interrupted my thoughts, "Julie, this food is delicious," he spoke, and I awkwardly smiled and nodded.

My mom chimed in, "Good thing she cooked, Mike, I wouldn't want you to choke." Her brown doe eyes sparkled mischievously as she spoke, and her shoulder-length brown hair cascaded down her back

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