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𝓐 ─ deline Beaumont, a young but gifted and passionate French American fashion designer who once lived and breathed the world of couture. Working with many famous brands, artists and celebrities, she was known all over France and in some parts of America for her designs, for they were an embodiment of elegance, blending classic sophistication with contemporary flair. A visionary in her own right, she found inspiration in the details—the delicate stitches, the flow of fabric, and the harmonious blend of colours. Each creation told a unique story, a testament to her boundless creativity and commitment to perfection. Her designs, a legacy for the ages. To say she changed the world of fashion forever would be an understatement. A beautiful, confident young lady in the eyes of those who had the pleasure of meeting her grace but then again, things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.

𝓛 ─ ando Norris, a passionate well known British and Belgian racing driver currently competing in Formula One with McLaren, racing under the British flag. Through the invisible glass ceiling, their was nothing but fortune, success and happiness for the racer. It wasn't all lie, though. The life of a millionaires son who just so happened to be a dreamer wasn't all that bad, but as all the stories the world has told, this one was just as far from perfect as the rest. And behind that oh so perfect award winning smile his admirers knew, was intolerable, agonizing pain. A pain so intense and excruciating that one could spend a lifetime exploring, analysing and scrutinizing and would still be unable to wrap their head around. An irreparable gash in the tapestry of lies he'd kept once so close was but the only thing now.

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「21. Fashion designer.」

Background Info : Adeline Ivory Beaumont,  a luminary in the world of fashion, is a visionary and esteemed fashion designer hailing from the vibrant city of Paris, France. Her very essence embodies the artistry and elegance that define haute couture. With an unparalleled talent for creating garments that go beyond the ordinary, Adeline is a trailblazer in the fashion industry. Her designs are a testament to her creative genius, seamlessly blending classic sophistication with contemporary innovation. Adeline's creations tell a story with every stitch, reflecting her keen eye for detail, her passion for beauty, and her love for the craft. She possesses a unique ability to infuse garments with life, making them an extension of the wearer's personality.

Adeline is not just a designer; she is an artist, sculpting fabrics into living, breathing works of art that captivate the senses. Her work is coveted by fashion aficionados and revered by fellow designers, setting trends and leaving an indelible mark on the world of fashion.

Beyond her artistry, Adeline is known for her dedication, perseverance, and tireless work ethic. Her commitment to her craft and her pursuit of perfection set her apart, earning her the respect and admiration of colleagues and clients alike. She is a role model, inspiring aspiring designers to dream big and reach for the stars.

In her world, creativity knows no bounds, and Adeline Beaumont stands at the forefront, a beacon of style and elegance, making waves in the global fashion landscape. Her designs speak of a woman with a boundless imagination, a keen sense of beauty, and a heart that beats for the art of fashion and surprisingly, a man far from 


「23. Formula 1 driver. Streamer. 」

Background Info : Lando Norris, the 23-year-old is the youngest ever British Formula 1 Driver and currently races for McLaren. A millionaires son, a perfectionist and unbeknownst to the public, a sentimentalist.  

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ꔫ :  I'm well aware Lando isn't the youngest ever Formula 1 driver but as I said early, things will be changed in order to fit the story. Thank you to everyone who gave feedback and left kind comments on the old versions of this chapter, for helping me change the storyline to suit the theme of the story better. So grateful for your kind words and comments. I hope that everyone who reads this has a great rest of their day/night. Take care of yourselves. 

YOURS TRULY, ADELINE - lando norrisWhere stories live. Discover now