🌑Episode 1: part 3🌑

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Everyone peeked around the side of the stone brick wall, Y/n saw all of the bookshelves and potion bottles scattered around.

"Any sign of him?" Lukas asked. No one responded as they all started to look around the basement.

"He must of gone out another way," Petra sighed. Y/n focused on the bookshelves, blocking out everyone talking about this guy and finding the skull.

She hummed as her eyes scanned the books, "mostly stuff about brewing...72 uses for slime? Warrior ocelots?"

Y/n rolled her eyes at the weird taste in books, obviously no skull would be around here amongst the books.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep looking at these..." she found a few strange ones like lessons in Brewery and the bow that missed.

Suddenly she heard something in the distance, like a switch flipping, she ran towards the area where the noise came from and watched as the bookshelves lowered.

"No...no fucking way," Y/n breath caught in her throat as her eyes scanned the command block. "H-how?!"

"What is it?" Jesse asked with worry, "you know something?" She then stared at Petra and Jesse.

"Who was the person you made the trade with," Y/n asked with a harsh tone, "I need to know!"

Petra stared at her in alarm. "His name was Ivor, why?"

"Heh...I thought so," Y/n laughed awkwardly to herself. "I'm gonna be Frank with you, I know what that block is, and I know everything about Ivor!"

Everyone looked at her in silence, Lukas' blue eyes looked conflicted, "well? What is it?" He pointed to the block in the middle."

"Something called the command block!" Y/n abruptly yelled. "One of the most powerful blocks in our world...and Ivor...is my father."

"What?!" Jesse yelled loudly, Axel didn't look pleased with the news. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"I didn't know that we were going after him!" Y/n frowned, she stared at the T shaped statue with worry. "I now wished that I went with you for that deal..."

"Don't beat yourself up about it," Petra whispered, "you didn't know it would come to this..."

Jesse then opened a big chest in front of the statue, "uh good news, weird news...I found the skull but..."

"He already has two? Why did I risk my neck getting that third skull then?" Petra said with anger in her voice.

Lukas' eyes widened, "soul sand, plus three wither skulls, that's the recipe for a wither!"

"One of the worst monsters there is!" Y/n breathing quickened, "a-and combined with that thing...it's..."

Olivia quickly pulled her to the side and tried to calm her down, "we should grab the skulls and get out of here!"

However the door opened, "uh guys?" Lukas whispered.


Everyone quickly hid Y/n quickly crouched beside Jesse between bookshelves and a chest.

"Don't you recognise me? No...Surprises to see me?!" Ivor grumbled to himself, "no that's not it...though you were rid of me, didn't you?" He seemed proud of himself as he looked inside a chest.

However a clink was heard close to the entrance of the basement, "what was that? Who's there?" He demanded as he walked around, looking for whoever was in his hideout.

"Over here, Jerk!" Jesse called, Ivor quickly spun around, "what the? What did you see?"

"Leave him alone!" Petra growled, Axel stood by her side. "Yeah, back off pal!"

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