🌕Episode 5: part 1🌕

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The moon glistened in the dark sky, it's silver glow shining down on the beautiful jungle. Three ocelots sniffed around before growling and taking off.

Footsteps were heard on the grass, Jesse smiled as he crept through the deep jungle. After hearing monsters he hid behind a tree before drawing his enchanted diamond sword.

He swiftly killed some zombies blocking their path, "look out!" He heard a scream as Petra dropped down from a tree and landed on some skeletons.

She sent one flying at Jesse who quickly sliced it, "thanks for that," he smiled. Axel then called them, he had two zombies gripped tightly in his arms.

"1...2...3...POP!" The large man caused the zombie heads to fly off as the bodies puffed into white smoke.

"You guys are trying way to hard," Olivia laughed as she leaned on one of her redstone contraptions.

She gave it a nudge as arrows were sent flying at the rest of the mobs and cleared a path to the temple.

"You're always trying to one up us, aren't you?" Jesse smiled before stabbing a zombie right behind them, "that is one seriously cool temple!"

"Yeah, I gotta give points to Ivor, this was a pretty good tip," Petra nodded as they approached the old building.

"Well Jesse?" Olivia questioned, the brunette smiled widely, "order of the stone, let's find ourselves some treasure!"

They all ran in to see no chests lying around, only three lava streams that looked important. "So much for treasure, this cupboard is bare," Petra huffed.

"Come on you know how these things work by now," Jesse rolled his eyes playfully. Olivia sighed, "if only Y/n was here."

Y/n would usually come with them on these adventures for treasure, however she was busy following in the footsteps of her father, trying to make potions.

"Yeah, she's very good with puzzles like these," Axel nodded. Petra then smirked at Jesse as he looked at the lava channels.

"So...you and Y/n, huh?" She said loudly to catch the attention of Axel and Olivia, "what about us?" Jesse mumbled.

Axel rolled his eyes, "dude you kissed her in front of so many people a week ago!"

"Are you two a thing?" Olivia asked, an edge of hope in her voice. Jesse only shrugged, "I...I don't know? I just kissed her because it felt right."

"And we could tell that she kissed back," Petra smiled, "maybe you two are a thing even without confirming it to each other?"

Jesse rolled his eyes, that sounded very stupid, he tried focusing on the puzzle blocking their way. What would Y/n do?

He tried the channel on the right, it opened so he decided to try the middle one. However, when that one opened the right one closed.

"I always try the one I switched on again for good measures."

Y/n's voice echoed his his mind, he felt his face heat up before trying the right one again. Both of the channels were now on.

"Hey Olivia, could you try that lever next to you?" Jesse called to his friend, she nodded and once she flipped it a rumble was heard.

The polished andesite floor in the middle opened up to reveal a staircase, "I don't think I would be disappointed if the floor didn't open to a large creepy passageway..." Axel mumbled as he followed everyone in.

"This kinda reminds me of when we found the order's temple," Petra smiled and let out a chuckle, "we were a bunch of noobs back then."

Jesse couldn't help but smile, "that felt like such a long time ago, and we've packed a lot in since then."

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