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I paced my room, my heart heavy with worry. The tension between San and Wooyoung weighed on me, a palpable force that seemed to hang in the air. San's anger was understandable; after all, Wooyoung had lied to him about being alone.

"What have I done?" I muttered to myself, the guilt settling in my chest. I had been honest with San, telling him the truth about Wooyoung's whereabouts. But now, I feared it might lead to an even bigger rift between them.

I replayed the conversation in my mind, searching for any signs that I could have handled it differently. Should I have kept Wooyoung's secret, sparing them both this heartache? Or was honesty the right course of action, even if it meant risking their relationship?

„No Yeosang. It wasn't on purpose. Woo didn't tell you to keep it from San. If he did you would."

As the minutes ticked by, the weight of the unknown bore down on me. I wished I could do something, anything, to ease the tension between them. But I was confined to this room, a powerless observer in their unfolding drama.

"All I can do is hope for the best," I murmured to myself, a feeble attempt at comfort. I cared deeply for both of them, and the thought of them breaking apart was almost too much to bear. I could only pray that they would find a way to heal this breach.

The next morning dawned with a heaviness that seemed to settle over me. I pushed myself out of bed, exhaustion weighing down my limbs. Each movement felt like a chore, as if I were wading through a thick fog of worry.

I sluggishly went through the motions of getting ready. The familiar routine brought a small semblance of normalcy, a comforting rhythm amidst the chaos in my mind. I splashed water on my face, the coolness waking me up slightly, though the unease still lingered.

My clothes were chosen on autopilot, a blend of comfort and familiarity. I tied my shoelaces, the knots a little looser than usual, mirroring the tension in my chest. My reflection in the mirror looked back at me with tired eyes, a silent reflection of my inner turmoil.

The walk to school felt longer than usual. Each step echoed with my own thoughts, a constant replay of the events from the previous day. The weight of the unknown hung heavily over me, casting a shadow over the otherwise familiar path.

I should have called Wooyoung to check. But yet again he's been avoiding me for days and I doubt it would be different this time. Jongho texted me but I didn't had any mood to check.

As I approached the school, the building loomed before me, a mix of anticipation and trepidation swirling within. The halls, usually bustling with activity, now seemed eerily quiet, as if holding its breath, waiting to see what would unfold.

I found my way to our usual meeting spot, a spot that had witnessed countless conversations, laughter, and shared moments. Today, it stood as a silent witness to the uncertainty that had settled between us.
No Wooyoung. No San. Oh... and no Jongho. I hugged myself feeling so lonely.

As the first bell rang, signaling the start of classes, I took a deep breath, bracing myself for whatever the day would bring.

As the silence stretched on, I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to this than met the eye. What lay beneath the surface of their argument? What unspoken truths simmered just out of reach?

Approaching class, I spotted San in the distance. Relief washed over me, and a smile tugged at my lips.

"Hey, San," I greeted, trying to match his stride.

"Hey," he replied tersely, barely meeting my eyes. Without another word, he briskly walked past me.

I stood there, taken aback. What had just happened? The abrupt change in his demeanor left me feeling hurt and bewildered.

Shaking off the unease, I turned towards our classroom, hoping to find some answers from Wooyoung. I approached him, eager for a familiar face and some clarity.

"Hey, Woo, is everything alright?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern.

He glanced up briefly, his expression distant, before returning his attention to his notes.

I hesitated, the sting of rejection settling in. It was as if a wall had been erected between us. I searched the room, hoping to find some solace in familiar faces, but the atmosphere was strangely subdued.

Taking my seat, I tried to focus on the lesson, but my mind kept circling back to the encounters with both San and Wooyoung.

The moment class ended, I couldn't bear the weight of uncertainty any longer. I swiftly approached Wooyoung, gripping his arm and leading him away from the bustling classroom to a quieter spot where we could talk.

"Why, Woo? What's going on?" I asked, my voice edged with concern. "Did I do something wrong?"

Wooyoung's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing. He looked at me with an intensity I hadn't seen before. "Don't play innocent, Yeosang. Im sick of it. All this time I trusted you as my friend. I did anything for you! Protected you! But you...." he sighed looking away "I'm not blind to what's happening here. You're trying to come between San and me."

His words hit me like a sudden downpour, leaving me stunned and struggling to find my voice. This was not at all what I had expected. The accusation felt like a blade through my heart, slicing through any remaining fragments of composure I held onto.

"I... I would never do that, Woo," I stammered, my voice trembling. "I care about both of you. I would never try to hurt either of you."

But my words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Wooyoung's anger remained palpable, „Don't play dumb Yeosang! Just stop! We both know you like San! But trying to seduce MY boyfriend and make him leave me lying to him that i cheat and everything is just so fucked up!"

„W-what? I Never did anything like that you know that Woo."

He glared at me and I could see in his eyes that he wasn't ready to believe me. The distance between us felt like an insurmountable chasm, and I was left grappling with the harsh reality that the trust we once shared had fractured. But why? What did San tell him? What happened between them? I know if I ask he will only get angrier.

„Wooyoung please. Let's talk it out. Im sure there is some misunderstanding and-„

„Do you still like San" he cut me off.


„ANSWER" he crossed his arms.

„I....well it just had been a few days since I confessed to both of you... so yeah I still do but-„

Wooyoung's tone grew firm, cutting through the air like a blade. "Don't speak anymore, Yeosang. Don't be my friend anymore. Not until you've let go of this... this infatuation with San."

My heart felt like it was being crushed beneath the weight of his words. "Woo, please, you don't understand. I'll cut contacts with San, I'll do anything. Just... please don't leave me like this."

But Wooyoung's resolve seemed unyielding. "I can't take it, Yeosang," he murmured, „Let's be strangers from now on" the finality in his voice leaving me shattered. He turned away, leaving me behind, my vision blurred with tears.

Alone, the weight of it all settled on my chest, pressing down with a suffocating force. It felt like a piece of me had been torn away, leaving behind a gaping wound. The friend I'd leaned on, laughed with, and confided in was now a distant figure, retreating further with each step.

Tears streamed down my face, unchecked and raw. The ache in my chest was immeasurable, a searing pain that seemed to radiate through every fiber of my being. The world around me blurred, consumed by the storm of my emotions.

A/N late update sorry I forgot taking notes about my ideas and now I forgot... give me ideas

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