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i groan as i trudge into my after school detention. 

"take a seat lorelai. table next to Alexander"

I did as i was told as she started explaining the simple rules of a detention , like i had never been in a detention before. What i really want to do was tell her to piss off , suck my mum then kick her in the face.

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30 minutes into the detention , alex kept looking at me and mouthing insults about the teacher to me. i was holding my laugh in for the next 30 minutes until we walked out the classroom which then me and alex burst into a fit of laughter until we got to the school gates. Turns out we walk the same way home. While we were walking, he was moaning about how hes missed an hour of his football but its not bad since he has another hour and a half. 

We waved our goodbyes and i walked to my house as he went to footy. Me and my mum are in an argument so im not really over the moon to be at home. Once i got there , i went in and ate. My brother yet again said im fat and need to stop eating. i went upstairs and got changed but to my luck, my leather jacket is being cleaned so i cant wear it. I let out a groan and went to switch on my laptop to do homework, but its dead. Great. I just decide to go on a walk. 

  I walk past the grounds that alex plays football at and made a stupid decision to watch alex play football. like what creep goes to watch some bloke from their school play footy???

I sit on the benches at the field and watch them kick a ball about, and before i know it, its 'half time'. To my disgusting luck alex notices me and walks up to me.

"what yer doin here? Looking to join the football team eh?" he nudges my arm.

"no." i rolled my eyes and snicker

"didnt think so." he took a swig of his drink "so,  what are you doin 'ere?"

"bored at me shithole of a house so i went for a walk and came past here and remembered you play footy here so i came and watched like a freak." i scoffed 

" oh alreyht. youre not a freak, you needed somewhere to go, so you went" He stared at the sunset. I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach, he must think that i get abused at home or summat so hes trying to be sympathetic.

"well i better get going, its getting dark" i rest my hands on my legs then stood up

"course. get home safe, yeah?" he stretched his arms out for a hug

" no , you stink" i scrunch up my nose and his face flushed red in embarrasment.

i said goodbye and started walking home. I had only met him today but it felt like we had known eachother for years.

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