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Catherine tells Tru that she told Alexander that she's a spy.

Right after City Spies 1 and Spy School British Invasion.

"You told Alexander that you're a spy?" Tru asked Catherine.

"Yes," she said.

"That's a violation of the Secrets Act."

"I know," Catherine said. "But I kept it a secret for seventeen years and look at where that got me."

Tru sighed. "And then did you really have to go off and commit crimes with him?"

"You know those weren't really crimes."

"Well, they certainly looked like crimes to the public. With all of our current problems with Umbra, we really can't afford to have you off freelancing and making the news."

"I know that it is your job to see me as an agent and nothing more most of the time, but this is my daughter who's mixed up in all of this. You really can't expect me to leave only Alexander to help her."

"So make Cyrus do it. He knows Alexander's an imbecile," Tru said.

"Cyrus has a concussion and was therefore unavailable," Catherine said. "I mean, he wanted to tar and feather me."

"We've got a whole mess of a mission coming up on a research vessel in a couple of weeks. Should I mark you as unavailable?"

"How long is the mission going to take?"

"A few weeks, probably. You'd have Sydney and Brooklyn on the ship too, but we wouldn't tell them you were there. But I suppose we could find another agent."

Catherine hated to turn down a mission, but she did it anyway. "No. Mark me as unavailable. I need to help Erica."

"SPYDER's been defeated," Tru reminded her.

"There's always something else."

"So when will you become available again?" Tru asked.

"Once I know for sure there's not immediate danger."

"Fine. But we really could use you."

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