2 - Tryouts

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I find the changing room, my conflicting feelings causing a frown on my face.

"Carmen?" Poppy steps out in front of me, appearing confused. "Are you okay? Why did you run off?"

I force a smile, hoping it doesn't look too fake. "Oh, don't worry about it, I'm just nervous for the tryouts."

She eyes me sceptically. "Okay, well, I got your wetsuit from the van. You should probably get ready with Bodhi, you're both in the first heat."

"Cool, thanks," I take it and find a free spot in the changing room, next to Summer funnily enough.

She flashes me a smile. "Hi again."

I glance down at the wetsuit in her hand. "Uh, I didn't know you were trying out today."

Poppy rolls her eyes. "She's not supposed to be."

I smile, slightly intrigued. "What are you going to do? Sneak into the wave pool?"

"Maybe..." Her eyes suddenly light up, "now that's a good idea."

"Oh," I raise my hands in protest, "no, I was joking."

Poppy laughs. "Good one C! You've given Summer Torres a wacky idea."

I shake my head, slightly bewildered.

Summer notices my expression. "Chill Carmen, no need to worry."

"Yeah," Bodhi adds, from across the room, "You need to get changed, we're up in a minute."

I hurriedly change into my shorty wetsuit, it's black with long sleeves and a red flower pattern adorning the sides. Then, I head out with Bodhi, we're both in heat 1, and handed red rash vests before we go in.

"Are you nervous?" I ask, gripping my board tightly under my arm.

Bodhi shrugs, avoiding eye contact. "Not really."

I can't tell if her confidence is genuine at first, but as we make our way into the water she takes the first wave without hesitation. I watch her intently, noticing quite a lot of improvement since the last time I saw her surf.

I hope I've made some improvements too.

I sit back on my board as I wait, gently treading my feet in the water and trying to calm my nerves. I never really liked competitive surfing in Queensland, but I really want a sponsor this summer now I'm back in Shorehaven, and the only way to do that, is to ace the competitions.

The next wave is building behind me, I lean forward on my board and move into the right position, watching the edge of the wave a few feet from my side gradually crash into itself as it breaks.

I exhale sharply and paddle for it, feeling the base of my board lift as it catches.

I pop up as soon as I can, crouching low and snapping the board against the wave. I'm in the flow, and I almost forget I'm in the midst of a competition, turning and moving with the wave.

Before I know it I'm on shore, jogging in with my board under my arm once more.

Poppy gives me a big hug even though I'm still wet. "You were amazing!"

"Congrats!" Manu lifts his hand to give me a high five. "That was incredible Carmen! You've gotten ten times better since I last saw you."

My face lights up with my smile. "Thanks, Manu!"

Marlon nods from behind him. "It was really good, Karma."

I nod thankfully, rolling back on my heels slightly. I haven't heard that nickname in a long time.

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