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"GOODMORNING SUNSHI- oh shit" Matthew says cheerfully as he opens the door to Hao and Hanbin's room, but his expression soon changes.

On the bed, the two men whose only connection is their son are currently fast asleep, Hao with his back to Hanbin who has his arm around the Chinese man's waist.

Matthew smiles and decides to take a little photo to remember this cute moment between the two, he loves them and wants them to become something more.

"Im so sorry for interrupting but breakfast is on the table" Matthew shouts close to them who wake up with a jump, when they notice their positions they both widen their eyes and an uncomfortable silence invades the room, while the Canadian simply rolls his eyes at the awkward atmosphere between them.

"Get dressed and come down" Matthew says, heading for the door, annoyed by the situation.

Hanbin gets up immediately afterwards and heads towards the bathroom, during his walk the Chinese man eats him up with his eyes, Hanbin's defined body catches his attention again and inappropriate scenarios start to form in Hao's mind, who soon removes them while scratching his eyes and starts to make the bed.

"Goodmorning Papa" Yujin says as he enters the room, hugging Hao's legs who laughs in response and places a loving kiss on his son's forehead.

"Hey swetie, ready for the day?" Hao asks and Yujin nods yes, eager to get back to the beach.

"Yujin" Hanbin looks at his son, confused by the fact that he's here, but then smiles when the little one comes towards him and hugs him.

"Daddyyy" Yujin says between the hug, when they let go of each other he decides to ask, "Are you and Papa going to buy some things today?" he asks looking at the two adults who exchange a look of concern.

"Yes, Yujinnie" Hao replies, coming closer to them and Hanbin looks at him intensely. "And you are going to have a lot of fun on the beach right?" Hao asks, ruffling his son's hair.

"YES" Yujin screams with happiness and smiles genuinely, Hanbin melts with happiness at the sudden moment finds himself looking at Hao, smiling at the sight of him fixing Yujin's hair.

"Hey yo family, let's eat" Gunwook says as he pokes his head into the room, laughing at Hanbin's smiling expression.


The short drive to the shopping center is silent, a strange and uncertain silence.

The car is occupied by two young men, one of them afraid to try and start something new and beautiful, and the other feeling rejected and having hidden thoughts and issues.

Hao glances at Hanbin, but the Korean doesn't look back. The first time he looks at him is when he parks the car and they get out.

"Let's put our problems aside and get closer today" Hanbin says as he locks the car, examining Hao, who nods.

"We should go and find out which store sells heart-shaped balloons, candles, chocolates, flowers, condom-" Hao's eyes widen as he reads the fifth item on Jiwoong's list and Hanbin laughs at his expression.

"That's such a Jiwoong thing to do," Hanbin says with a laugh after Hao shows him that it's really written down, hearing the wonderful sound of Hanbin's laughter but not wanting to show it. "Your reaction was funny"

"What?, it wasn't, I was just shocked that he wanted it now because, like, where are they going to do it?" Hao asks in shock as he stares at Hanbin in disbelief, but the Korean can't take him seriously.

"They could do it in their beds" Hanbin says as they look around the stores for the items on the list and Hao opens his mouth in shock.

"There are children at home, they'll be traumatized" Hao replies, imagining the chaos that would ensue and Hanbin simply smiles and laughs. "They could do it- I don't know, on the grass maybe"

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