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Hanbin changes his shirt for the third time as he looks in the mirror and snorts because he doesn't like the outfit.

Nervousness runs through the Korean's veins, there's half an hour until his date with Hao and the poor guy is already in despair. He searches through his closet again and finds a black sweater with three small buttons that catches his eye, he puts it on and looks for his black blazer.

He fixes his hair and heads for the kitchen, placing the blazer on the dining table. He goes over to the kitchen oven and when he sees that the food is ready, he turns it off and sighs.

"Im so nervous omg, Why am I so nervous?" he asks himself, confused as he massages his neck and goes to the mirror to see if he looks good enough for his lover.

He starts walking around the apartment, thinking of dialogues he and Hao could have and ways to start conversations, Hanbin laughs at his own figure, noticing that he's so nervous about something that's going to be perfectly normal.

He entertains himself with his cell phone, texting Matthew to ask how Yujin is because he's gone to his house to sleep. Suddenly, the doorbell rings and Hanbin, startled, drops his cell phone.

"Shit" he says as he picks it up and blows the dust off it. "IS IT EIGHT HOURS NOW?" he looks around desperately as he shouts "im coming" and takes one last look in the mirror and runs to the door, which opens to reveal his long-awaited boyfriend.

"Hey love" Hao says smiling and Hanbin does the same, opening the door for him to come in. "I brought you some wine" he says, showing the bottle in a cute way and his boyfriend laughs at the cuteness.

"You look beautiful love" Hanbin says looking Hao up and down, he's wearing a white shirt and pants that are a bit too tight for him, Hanbin approaches him and puts his hand on his waist and kisses him passionately. "Go to your sit, I'll get dinner"

"You could be my dinner honey" Hao says provocatively and Hanbin looks at him with wide eyes.

"Calm down love, I'll be the dessert" Hanbin says winking at Hao who rolls his eyes and heads towards the dining table.

Hao takes a deep breath as he looks at Hanbin who takes the food out of the oven, the delicate way his boyfriend does things really catches his eye.

"Well, lets eat" Hanbin says after putting everything on the table and sitting down opposite to Hao who smiles. "Taste the meat, I want to see your reaction" Hao does as he's told and after tasting Hanbin's delicious meat he closes his eyes and mutters a "hmmm".

"I think I've just had a foodorgasm" Hao says as he enjoys the meat and Hanbin opens his mouth in surprise and then bursts out laughing.

"I'm glad you like it, but I would prefer if you had an orgasm in another way" Hanbin says as he starts to eat and Hao chokes on his food. "Be careful love" Hao looks at Hanbin in disbelief and he laughs at his expression.

"How is our son?" Hao asks, clearing his throat, trying to change the subject and Hanbin smiles victoriously.

"You were with him all afternoon yesterday, do you miss him that much already?" Hanbin asks smiling as he eats a piece of rice and Hao nods.

"You know, there's something I wanted to talk to you about" Hao says and Hanbin listens attentively. "I think that if we really want to make this work, at some point we'll have to live together" Hanbin looks at him surprised by the subject and nods.

"I agree, I've been thinking about one day buying a house where we can live there" Hanbin says taking a sip from his wine glass.

"My mom knows a guy who I'm sure can find us a nice house" Hao says as he cuts the meat with some difficulty and the Korean laughs at his behavior.

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