By The End of it

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Taking care of Mingyu was turning out to be a little more complicated than she thought. His fever was unpredictable, spiking and then coming down, and then spiking again. The worry gnawing at her chest was not ignorable, and it was making her way more anxious than she should be. She was ready to take him to the hospital if things didn't calm down soon.

After speaking to Wonwoo, who didn't know what food to get – the poor guy was clueless and a bit panicked that he'd get the wrong thing – she went back to Mingyu to make sure he was resting like she said he must. He was curled up on his side, his eyes closed and his face relaxed as he dozed softly, and it made her glad that he was actually able to rest, regardless of how much he was sweating and overheating.

She watched a lot of movies that she didn't even pay attention to in the few hours of silence the house managed to take on, and even explored the house to see what else there was to do, but she ultimately just paced around and popped her head into Mingyu's room to make sure he was okay and to wake him up to drink a bottle of water.

When Wonwoo eventually arrived home with a tired smile and two bags of food, she got Mingyu sat up to eat before dosing him up with meds again, before sending him back to bed. It was good food, and she was very full afterwards. She took a long shower and made small talk with the other man when they watched a movie together. Then they argued about where they would sleep, because Wonwoo didn't want her on the couch, but she'd need to be closer to Mingyu just in case something was wrong.

When she eventually won that argument, she got comfortable on said couch with a pillow and a few blankets from an unimpressed and vaguely annoyed Wonwoo. She was very sure the couch was way more comfortable than her own bed. She didn't even bother imagining how comfortable their beds were.

She didn't fall asleep; she couldn't when she knew Mingyu was sick and needed caring. She did try, for a while, lying there with her eyes closed and her mind racing with negative possibilities. Then her eyes were open, and her phone was turned on, almost dead. She hated when people got sick. Her gut always sank, and a pit always formed in her stomach, making her want to vomit.

It was about six in the next morning when Wonwoo got up, coming through the door with a quiet shuffle. Her phone had died a few hours ago, so the TV was on, playing some trashy TV show she randomly picked. "Did you manage to sleep?" he grumbled in her direction, his hair pointing in every direction, and his glasses sitting unevenly on his nose. No, she didn't.

"You have a very comfortable couch; of course I did," she smiled at him, ignoring his unbelieving look. She could practically feel the bags under her eyes. "Do you have a charger I can borrow? My phone died," she asked, her body sitting up straighter. Wonwoo nodded his head and pointed back in the direction of his room.

"Bedside table," he told her with a yawn, stretching his arms forward. "Coffee?"

"Yes, please," she breathed out as she stood up, moving towards his room without hesitation. It was neat, unsurprisingly, with only his bed pulled apart from just getting up. She found his charger quite quickly and plugged it in to charge before walking back out of his room and into the direction of Mingyu's.

"Sugar?" Wonwoo asked her as she passed by. She continued walking, humming in thought.

"No sugar with my coffee, only milk. Thanks." He hummed back in acknowledgment before she opened Mingyu's door and peeked her head in. He was snoring softly, his arms and legs spread out in a starfish-like position. She snorted in amusement before stepping further into the room and picking up his discarded sweatshirt. She could see from here that he was sheened with sweat.

"Mingyu," her hand gently held his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. She paused. She squeezed it again. Her eyebrows raised in appreciation. One more squeeze. Good gods above, he was a monster. A very pretty monster.

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