People Make Mistakes, She Isn't an Exception to That

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She was so sure he was the devil's human offspring. He was beautiful, with the most gentle skin, bright eyes that twinkled with stars, height that could tower over her, and hair so perfectly put in place it was almost ridiculous. The people loved him, bowed down to him, and kissed every inch of the path he walked because of his pretty, fanged smile and sweet giggle he gave them. Yet, she knew that behind that physical perfection, there was a monster—a big, looming monster with an enormous ego and blinding red hate aimed at her for no good reason.

She had no idea why he hated her so much, and she wanted to know.

He strutted, smirked harshly, and stared at her with stone-like eyes that made her want to cower in fear. He loved to boast about his winnings, about how great his life was, and it honestly just infuriated her. He had to know how difficult her situation was and was just trying to put her down about it.

Yet she couldn't do a single thing because she was his makeup artist, and he was a famous idol from a group so big that she wouldn't dare quit or actually tell him how much she hated him. She wouldn't put it past him to ruin her career because he feels spiteful and upset that she left him.

She had the inkling feeling that she knew Kim Mingyu well enough to know that, and she loved her job more than she hated him.

Apart from that hatred she felt deep in her gut, she had a lot of fun with it. Mistakenly messing up his eyeliner or making his eyeshadow too thick, putting on too much blush that it made him look so, so stupid. She would always ruin the last thing she had to do right before he had to leave so she had no time to fix it. His reactions after his stage always made her laugh; getting scolded by her leading makeup artist wasn't as funny.

He always found a way to get back at her, without fail. Whether it was being difficult in his chair by fiddling around or turning to his members to talk to them about going for drinks or to the store right after to get the right, expensive ingredients for the meal he'd make, or to go to the gym, the sauna, or on a hike. The list was honestly endless, and she would get so frustrated and yank his head back to where it was supposed to be to get her job DONE. All he would do is chuckle under his breath and look at her with those mocking eyes and apologise with an annoyingly fake tone.

She hated him. Everyone else loved him.

The day she snapped was the day he had to film for a music video. Super. She was told beforehand and sent documents and photos about his concept and what lines she needed to stay in. She didn't miss the bold note about not messing around and doing it properly. Her leading artist was sharp and always knew what she was planning. It was her fault for being so close and open with Jiho.

A big part of her wanted to ruin his look anyway. It would be so easy. She could get away with it by putting on too much contour or too much highlighter and blame the lighting, tell Jiho that the light made it look worse than it was. But a small part of her knew this music video was huge for Mingyu. For all the members. As much as she hated him, she adored the others so much, and she didn't want to ruin it for them just because she felt spiteful and stubborn about Mingyu.

It was a cold day, the day she arrived on set with her makeup equipment and stock. She had layers of jackets because it was freezing, and she didn't want to die. She could literally see her own breath. People greeted her as she shuffled past, pointing her in the direction of the makeup bus and wishing her the best with her look that day. She smiled back and thanked them but internally dreaded having to deal with Satan's offspring. Seeing the other members had been nice, though. They politely greeted her, said "fighting," and that she looked cute in her big, layered jackets. She found them so funny and wished them luck too, because how could she not? Especially with Hoshi's huge grin and full cheeks from the snacks he had been eating.

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