01. Pinky Promise

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Our laughter echoed throughout the forest, mingling in the air and washing over me

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Our laughter echoed throughout the forest, mingling in the air and washing over me. I looked up into the bright grey eyes of my best friend and felt myself getting lost in them. It seemed to be happening more and more as of late.

His eyes danced with joy as he stared down at me. "Alright. Let's make a vow," he breathed out with a crooked smile.

My brows furrowed. "A vow?"

His smile grew. He stopped walking abruptly, causing me to do the same.

"To promise that we'll stay best friends. Forever. No matter what." His voice was serious, but his eyes still danced.

Best friends. Forever. My chest felt heavy but I nodded in agreement. "Of course, Ced."

I lifted my hand and held out my pinky, earning a confused look from him. I chuckled nervously as I explained, "It's a pinky promise. It's something the muggles do."

Given that I was a Muggle-born, I knew all-too-well the ways of the muggle world- Something that Cedric, being a Pureblood, knew little about.

At my explanation, his grey eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh! Great! How do we-?"

I offered him a soft smile as I explained, "We simply join pinkies and make a promise."

"That's it?" He questioned with an airy laugh.

I nodded. "Yeah. Easy enough, right?"

He was quick to hook his pinky around mine. My heart was beating a mile a minute at his closeness. I felt a blush spreading to my cheeks, causing me to clear my throat nervously.

"I promise.. to always be by your side. We will stick together. No matter what," I breathed out the words a bit shakily.

The emotion swimming in his eyes caused a lump to form in my throat. "You'll always be my best friend. I love you, Elliana."

The sincerity in his voice washed over me and caused my heart to stutter. I knew what he meant when he said that he loved me. It wasn't in a romantic way. Not even close. He had made that abundantly clear. Cedric Diggory didn't see me as anything more than a friend. He never has, and he never will.

"I promise," he spoke in a low, heartfelt voice.

"Aye! What are you two love birds doing on this fine afternoon?" Fred's voice washed over the both of us.

I quickly dropped my hand to my side and stepped away from Cedric, blushing like a mad woman at what Fred was insinuating. My best friend chuckled, clearly unfazed by the teasing. George beamed at me and draped his arm around my shoulder in a casual manner. I thought nothing of it. Aside from Cedric, the Weasley twins were my closest friends.

"Why do you call us that, Fred? You know we're just friends. You're maddening," I said with a tight-lipped smile.

"Yeah, Fred. Besides, Ellie is mine," George teased as he planted a kiss on my cheek before bursting out in laughter.

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