04. I Need You

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My Mother's kind green eyes were lit with excitement as she pulled me into one final embrace.

"You're going to do such wonderful things, my dear Ellie," she said to me, her voice thick with emotion. "We are so proud of you."

My Father was quick to nod in agreement, his eyes welling up with unshed tears. Father was never one to get emotional, but saying goodbye to his only child was proving to be a difficult feat, even for someone as stoic as him.

"Incredibly proud," he spoke, giving me a tender smile as he wrapped his arms around the both of us.

When they pulled away, I wiped my face, trying to hide the tears that spilled from my eyes. Despite being thrilled beyond measure that I was a witch, I was saddened to have to be away from my parents for such a long period. Up until a few weeks ago, I had no idea that such a thing as magic even existed. I thought witches and wizards were just something you read about in books. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that I was anything but ordinary. I was just an ordinary girl without any special talents; I had never been good at sports nor was I brainiac in school. The only extracurricular activity I had ever participated in was drama club; I had played a chicken named Fluffy who couldn't decide if she wanted to cross the road in a play a year ago. Despite how silly it sounded, I felt like I resonated with Fluffy on a deeper level in this moment. A whole new world was beyond platform 9 and ¾, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to cross the threshold into unknown territory or stay in my small home in the town of Derbyshire-A familiar land full of familiar faces.

After bidding my parents farewell, I turned to face the brick wall with a look of confusion.

"Hi," a friendly voice spoke from my left.

My head swiveled in that direction, meeting a pair of kind grey eyes that belonged to a boy with tousled bronze hair and a glorious smile.

I blinked rapidly at the handsome boy before somehow managing to find my voice, "Hi."

He nodded towards the daunting brick wall in front of us. "Are you trying to get through platform 9 and ¾?"

I nodded, feeling extremely shy and nervous. His grin widened, making his grey eyes dance. "I'm Cedric. Cedric Diggory," he said as he held his hand out for a shake.

I placed my hand in his and was surprised when he brought my hand to his lips where he placed a quick kiss. A blush spread to my cheeks.

"And who might you be?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"E-Elliana. Elliana Kingsley," I stammered nervously, my blush deepening. "But you can call me Ellie. Or Elle."

"Elliana," my name rolled off his lips, as if he was testing it out before he nodded. "Such a lovely name. I shall call you Elliana, if you don't mind. It's too pretty to shorten, I'm afraid. You deserve all four syllables."

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