𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝓇ℯℯ-𝓈𝒾𝓍

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Officer Dan writes it down and clears his throat. Everyone's faces was shocked, including Dan.

"Santiago Wilson, when I ask you this question, answer it truthfully,"

Santiago stays silent, looking at the solid table.

Dan folds his hands, "Did you or you're mother, Ngozi plan this out?"

There was silence, not a single word coming out of his mouth.

"Let me ask you one more time--"

"He didn't do it!" Diana shouted, out of breath.

She is panting, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Did you both, plan this out on Zaran Martinez?" Dan questioned.


He intensely stares at her, while I stare at Lorenzo. He's staring back at me with his jaw-clenched and tired eyes.

"Diana tell the truth," Santiago muttered.

"Wha- What the fuck are you talking out? They are bullshiting!" Diana sobbed.

"I didn't do that to her! I jumped out a window for her, defended her, and helped her while she was drowning! I was her friend!"

Officer Dan put his hand up and turned to me, "What did Ngozi say to you?"

"She said Lorenzo's parents and she planned this for months. How I was getting in the way of Diana and Lorenzo's relationship. They were paying Ngozi, that's why she said yes." I explained.

Lorenzo's face went blank and he just stared at me. Silence filled the room again.

"It's true," Santiago confessed.

Diana turned her head to him, almost choking, "W-What?"

"Mr. Wilson, do you confess?" Dan ask.


Lorenzo pushed his chair back and was gripping the chair handle so hard, his hands were turning white.

"Fine! I am in love with Lorenzo Ares Carter and I know he is definitely in love with me. And I only did it because I thought this bitch would be gone, but she isn't! I have known him for 12 years and have been in love with him for 7 years! And don't you guys give me that fucking look because you two were terrible for each other!" She shouted.

"It's not fair you guys had your night and I haven't for 12 fucking years. You're just a basic bitch, who he has known for 2 months, and now you have him wrapped around your finger. It isn't fair! You should've just died when you're dad pushed you so I could have him!" She screamed.

Tears swell in my eyes, and I cleared my throat.

"I don't get how he could be into such an immature piece of shit!"

"Are you serious?!" I cried.

"I didn't want to do it, but I had no choice," Santiago expressed.

Officer Dan starts writing in his notebook, chewing his gum.

He then pulls out his speaker and says, "This is Daniel Zoma, Santiago Wilson and Diana Fontana has confessed. Bring 4 officers into the room,"

He put his speaker down and stated, "Santiago Wilson, and Diana Fontana, you are under arrest for infliction of bodily harm. You will remain silent, anything you say will be used against you in court,"

4 officers walked inside the room, handcuffing them both. They both stayed silent, as they were moved out of the room.

"Zaran, you can go home for now, however, there will be a scheduled court day. You must attend," Dan commented.

I nodded and me and Lorenzo walked outside.

Lorenzo leaned on the wall and sat down outside, trying to calm down.

"Can you drive me home please," I sniffled, trying not to cry.

He puts his head down and I hear muffled cries. I rush over to him, not being able to control my own tears.

He pulls me into a hug and we both start sobbing as we hold each other tight.

"I'm sorry," He told me.

"I am too, for everything," I cried, burying my head on his shoulder.

We stayed like that, for what felt like a long time.

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