Their conversation

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Riva : What happened Jasmine why are you crying ?
Did you and Vardan had a fight again ?
Isn't he being rude very much these days ?
Why are you not speaking .....tell me what happened??!

Jasmine : Everything is over Riva ... Everything.. My predictions were correct ....
He cheated on me!!

Riva : What ! Holy f**k he did this to you....Man I can't believe it .

Jasmine : It was hard to believe for me too . I thought that he is behaving like this because he had his head in the projects and other academic work .... But I was wrong here he got bored with me 

Riva : Tel me everything what happened and what you saw

Jasmine: tells her everything..  

Riva : So he wants to breakup with you because he like that bi**h from fashion faculty 

Jasmine: Am I that bad Riva that he doesn't like me now ? !

Riva (comforting her) : "Who said that you are bad ?" You gave hime sympathy beacuse he liked you it isn't your fault .

Jasmine: What should I do now ?

Riva : What to do , message him that you are breaking up with him and you don't want to continue this relationship.

Jasmine But it's hard for me ....

Riva : Control your emotions Jass , you also have a right to be happy I haven't seen you happy or joyful this whole month f**k this toxic relationship and breakup now!

Jasmine: Okay ! (Texts him )

Jasmine : Hii Vardan !

Vardan: Hii Jass ," Do you have anything important to discuss because I am busy with some important work " ..

Jasmine :" Maybe it's not important for you but for me it's very important"

Vardan : Okay go ahead tell me

Jasmine: "I am breaking up with you Vardan it's over,."........

Vardan: "what are you saying Jasmine are you out of your mind ? "

Jasmine: "no i am in the right pavillion but I think you are just bored with me So I thought it's time for you to upgrade you girlfriend".......

Vardan :" What are you saying I can't understand."!

Jasmine :" you already said that you are gonna breakup with me in one or two weeks then why to wait ?"

Vardan: Ohh! Listen to me Jass "do you listened my convo with Sarah at the university....?"

Jasmine: yes ." I also captured every moment you had with her "

Vardan: I can explain Jass , it's a misunderstanding.....

Jasmine: I don't need any kind of explanation Vardan .....
"Maybe our journey was decided together till here" ....

Sorry !! And thank you for everything you gave me
I am saying this Last time to you
"Love you "

Chat ended and deleted ......

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